Montreat News Archive
Special Meeting-Audit Committee 05/18/2020
The Montreat Audit Committee will hold a Special Meeting on Monday, May 18, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. in the Town Services Building, 96 Rainbow Terrace to discuss the following topics: -Review the Request for Proposals bids for selection of auditor -Review the Audit Structure for 2020 The meeting is open to the public
Montreat Minute 05/08/2020
COVID-19 Update Everything is pretty confusing given state, county and in some cases, local COVID-19 rules. Hopefully we can clarify some of it for you. Here are a few updates pertinent to all of us at Montreat: As of 5:00pm today, Friday, Buncombe County will move into Phase 1 of reopening. The county still remains…
May 14th Town Council Meeting Packet
Please join the Montreat Town Council on May 14th by Zoom at the following link: Please click the link below to join the webinar: Password: 898276 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +13017158592,,81876253413#,,1#,898276# or +13126266799,,81876253413#,,1#,898276# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 301 715 8592 …
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting 5/12/2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 10:30 a.m. Will be conducted electronically using Zoom software The agenda packet can be found here. The Montreat Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. electronically using Zoom software. The webinar is limited to the first 100 people who sign in. …
Montreat Landcare/Firewise Initiative
FIREWISE ASSESSMENT WEBINAR WHEN: Wednesday, May 6, 4-5 PM WHERE: On your computer via Zoom! Justin Query, Wildfire Mitigation Forester with the NC Forest Service, visited Montreat on March 3 and performed a Wildfire Risk Assessment for our community. In this webinar, he will present the result of his findings, speaking to us live and…
Montreat Minute 5/01/2020
COVID-19 Update Here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community: This morning, Buncombe County eased its ‘stay home’ restrictions to coincide with the governor’s order. Additionally, the county will likely follow the state’s directives on any future orders. The immediate impact is that groups of up to 10 people can gather together as…
Montreat Landcare/Firewise Initiative
FIREWISE ASSESSMENT WEBINAR WHEN: Wednesday, May 6, 4-5 PM WHERE: On your computer via Zoom! Justin Query, Wildfire Mitigation Forester with the NC Forest Service, visited Montreat on March 3 and performed a Wildfire Risk Assessment for our community. In this webinar, he will present the result of his findings, speaking to us live and…
Special Montreat Minute 4/27/20
Don’t Forget to Thank the Stone Masons Today! Everyone loves the stone work that makes the new Town Hall so distinctive. Today, Monday, April 27, at noon there will be a “drive by” to thank the stone masons for their amazing work on the Town Hall. We’ll organize ourselves in the parking lot next to…
Montreat Minute 4/24/20
COVID-19 Update Here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community: Yesterday Governor Cooper extended the “Stay Home” Order until at least May 9, depending upon how certain key indicators look at that time. However, the Buncombe County “Stay Home” order, which is slightly more stringent than the Governor’s, is still indefinitely in place.…
And the winner is….
Willa Roberts! Willa Roberts, age 9, is the winner of the Mayor’s Chalk Art Challenge. Willa’s masterpiece, Rainbow Dog, was a runaway winner against the other eight entries of the contest. Willa was inspired by her own dogs as well as the color palette in her chalk box. Willa is a third grader at Black…
Don’t Forget to VOTE!
April 20, 2020 Have You Voted? The artwork submission phase of the Mayor’s Chalk Art Contest is closed. But, voting is open until the end of the day today. So please check out the entries and make your vote with a “Like”. To vote on your favorite, go to the Town Facebook page,, scroll…
Mayor’s Summary of 4/16/2020 Virtual Town Council Meeting
Greetings Montreaters, Here we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and it has changed our lives significantly. Life here in Montreat is different—very quiet and somewhat secluded. But it is even more changed outside of the gate. However, we are not letting the virus stop the work of the Town. After checking with…
Montreat Minute April 17, 2020
Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting Greetings Montreaters, Here we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and it has changed our lives significantly. Life here in Montreat is different—very quiet and somewhat secluded. But it is even more changed outside of the gate. However, we are not letting the virus…
Special Meeting Packet 4/16/20
Please join the Montreat Town Council for a special meeting held electronically through Zoom software on April 16, 2020 at 5 p.m. Only the first 100 people to sign in will have access. The Packet can be found here. The purpose of this meeting is as follows: Presentation of the Texas Road Bridge design Presentation…
Submit your Masterpieces!
Have You Drawn Your Chalk Masterpiece? Last Wednesday we announced the Mayor’s Chalk Art Challenge. We are encouraging everyone to use their “Stay Home” time to create a chalk art masterpiece, take a photo of it, and enter it into our contest. Montreaters will also be the judges by voting. Read about voting below. With…
Special Town Council Meeting 4/16/2020
NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, April 16, 2020 5:00 p.m. Will be conducted electronically using Zoom software The Montreat Board of Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. electronically using Zoom software. The webinar is limited to the first 100 people who sign in. The purpose of this…
Caution on Assembly Drive
Please use caution if traveling on Assembly Drive this morning. Tree crews are working in the area. Thank you.
Montreat Minute for April 10, 2020
COVID-19 Update Once again, here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community: Buncombe County updated its “Stay Home- Stay Safe” order yesterday, extending the time limit and following many of the Governor’s orders in EO121. The order enacted other provisions, and we recommend you review it by reading the Interpretive Guidance document by…
Request for Proposals: Audit Services
The Town of Montreat has re-advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Audit Services. You may download the full RFP by CLICKING HERE, or you may visit the BIDS PAGE and scroll under “Finance Services.”
Special Montreat Minute 4/8/2020
Join the Mayor’s Chalk Art Challenge! We are three weeks into the Stay At Home order. It’s good that we are doing so to manage the COVID 19 spread. But, we suspect you are getting tired of Netflix , jigsaw puzzles, playing Sudoku, cleaning closets, watching old ACC Championship games and spending money on Amazon.…
Special Montreat Minute 4/7/2020
Do You Need a (Free) Cloth Facemask? In the developing news of the Coronavirus, authorities have changed their position on wearing masks in public and now recommend it. As a result, three benevolent and talented Montreat residents are making cloth facemasks for other Montreat residents. Jacqueline Clark, Lila Ray and Kitty Fouche have put their…
Montreat Minute 04/03/2020
COVID-19 Update Once again, here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community: Most Town staff continue to work from home. Call 828-669-8002 or email [email protected] for questions or comments. A water bill dropbox has been installed at the Town Services Offices for payment of water bills. It is to the right of the…
Montreat Trails, Parks, and Fields are Closed
The Mountain Retreat Association has closed all Montreat Conference Center recreation facilities to the public until Wednesday, April 29, 2020 In accordance with North Carolina Governor Cooper’s executive order. This includes public restrooms. Go to for more information.
Sanitation Reminders!
It’s trash day in Montreat and we have two crews working hard to get your trash up safely and securely. Please remember to have your trash at the curb at 8:00 a.m. – this will insure your trash gets picked up in a timely fashion. Also please make sure your trash bags are tied!! Stay…
Montreat Minute 03/27/2020
Montreat Minute for March 27, 2020 COVID-19 Update Once again, here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community: Town administrative staff continue to work from home. Call 828-669-8002 or email [email protected] for questions or comments. A water bill dropbox has been installed at the Town Services Offices for payment of water bills. It…
“STAY HOME – STAY SAFE” Order issued for Buncombe County
Buncombe County has issued a “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order that goes into effect Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 8:00pm. The intent of this supplemental declaration of emergency is to further minimize all opportunities for exposure and transmission of COVID-19. The order directs all Buncombe County, including all of Montreat, to “Stay Home –…
COVID-19 Update
Special Montreat Minute March 25, 2020 Greetings, Montreaters— We hope and trust everyone is doing well during this challenging period. We’d like to give you several pertinent updates that, we hope, will be helpful during this crisis: As you may know, Ingles grocery stores have set up a special time for seniors to shop. Tuesdays…
Montreat Minute 03/20/2020
Special Announcement: Greybeard Trail is OPEN! As mentioned below, Greybeard Trail is open as of this afternoon. It remains unpaved. Weather permitting, it will be paved next week to complete the job. COVID-19 Update It seems that every media outlet is focusing on the coronavirus crisis. So, instead of telling you information you probably already…
Town Wide Hydrant Flushing
Crews will be doing heavy hydrant flushing in Town today (3/19) and you may find yourself with dirty water. Please turn on faucets and let them run until the color clears up. Thank you for your patience.
COVID-19 Update
From: Mayor Tim Helms Town Administrator Alex Carmichael To: The Montreat Community In this confusing and unprecedented time, we feel it is important to keep you continually updated about situations here in Montreat and actions being taken. Reiterating our statement from last Friday, the Town of Montreat takes the COVID 19 virus seriously and…
Annual Board Retreat CANCELLED
Out of concern for the potential spreading of the COVID-19 virus we are cancelling the March 20th Annual Board Retreat.
Out of concern for the potential spreading of the COVID-19 virus we are cancelling the March 24th Tree Board Meeting.
Planning & Zoning Meeting CANCELLED
Out of concern for the potential spreading of the COVID-19 virus we are cancelling the March 19th Planning & Zoning Meeting.
Montreat Minute March 13, 2020
Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting Hello Montreaters, We were thankful for the 18 people who attended the meeting. Here’s a summary of the discussions. As you know, a full overview will be in the official meeting minutes in April’s agenda packet. Public Forum questions/comments included: Sally Stansil expressed her continued concerns…
Mayor’s Summary of the March 12th, Board of Commissioners Meeting
Hello Montreaters, We were thankful for the 18 people who attended the meeting. Here’s a summary of the discussions. As you know, a full overview will be in the official meeting minutes in April’s agenda packet. Public Forum questions/comments included: Sally Stansil expressed her continued concerns about high noise levels from traffic near the entrance.…
Audit Committee Meeting Cancelled
The March 11th Audit Committee Meeting has been cancelled due to lack of responses to the posted Request for Proposals. This meeting will be rescheduled at a later time.
Montreat Minute March 6, 2020
The First Lady of Trash Brace yourself: In this beautiful, peaceful, quaint place we call Montreat, people throw trash on the ground. Yes, it happens. No doubt you have driven down Assembly Drive and seen drink cups, wrappers and other assorted trash along the road. It aggravates most of us. But for one person, she…
UPDATED: March 12th Town Council Meeting Packet
The March Board of Commissioners Meeting will be held March 12, 2020 in the Walkup Building at 7:00 p.m. The Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. Please join us! The meeting packet can be found here.
Planning & Zoning Commission Agenda Packet
The Town of Montreat Planning & Zoning Commission will meet Thursday, March 5th at 10:30 a.m. in the Walkup Building to continue their review of the Montreat Zoning Ordinance. The public is as always invited. The meeting packet can be found here.
Montreat Minute 02/28/2020
Montreat Did It Again! Earlier this week we learned that Montreat was once again awarded “Tree City USA” designation. The award is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. Montreat earned the award due to its commitment to effective urban forest management…
Board of Adjustment 02/27/19-CANCELLED
The Variance Applications have been withdrawn and the February 27th Board of Adjustment meeting has been cancelled.
Special Montreat Minute 02/24/2020
Town Survey Closes Wednesday Several weeks ago we announced the availability of a survey seeking your opinion regarding key issues for future planning. Many thanks to the nearly 200 people who have completed it. We will be closing out the survey this Wednesday, February 26. If you have not completed it, we really do need…
Montreat Minute 02/21/2020
Congratulations Daniel Wiggs Back in November, we introduced you to Daniel Wiggs in our Public Works Department. We told you Daniel had a focus on Montreat’s trees, capitalizing on his background in landscaping. After some intense studying, Daniel received his designation as a Certified Arborist from the International Society of Arboriculture earlier this week. To…
Montreat Minute, February 14, 2020
Happy Valentine’s Day From all of us on the Town staff and Board of Commissioners, we wish you a happy Valentine’s day and hope you receive your favorite candy today! Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting Greetings, friends. I hope you are appreciating our quirky mountain weather. If we don’t like it,…
Mayor’s Summary of the February 13th, Board of Commissioners Meeting
Greetings, friends. I hope you are appreciating our quirky mountain weather. If we don’t like it, all we need to do is wait a bit. Public Forum questions/comments included: Emory Underwood appealed to the Board that as we begin the long term planning process, that we seriously consider the balance of growth in the higher…
Special Montreat Minute 2/11/20
We Still Need Your Opinion Several weeks ago we announced the availability of a survey seeking your opinion regarding key issues for future planning. Many thanks to the 140 people who have completed the survey. If you have not completed it, we really do need your opinion. As mentioned previously, the Town engaged in a…
February 13th Town Council Meeting Packet
Please join your Montreat Board of Commissioners at the February 13th Town Council Meeting in the Walkup Building. The meeting packet can be found here
Montreat Minute 02/07/2020
We Still Need Your Opinion Last week we announced the availability of a survey seeking your opinion regarding key issues for future planning. Many thanks to the more than 100 people who have completed the survey. If you have not completed it, we need your opinion. As mentioned previously, the Town engaged in a planning…
Montreat Minute 1/31/20
Condolences Perhaps you have noticed the Black Mountain and Montreat Town flags flying at half staff since Wednesday. The tribute is in honor of the passing of Black Mountain Alderman Carlos Showers. In a news release from Black Mountain Mayor Don Collins: Carlos L. Showers, 64, found peace and comfort after an extended illness January…
Water Interruption Notice
Water service will be interrupted on Lower Kentucky Rd, From Arbor Lane down. We apologize for this inconvenient as crews work to make repairs.
Town Hall Flag at Half-Staff in Memoriam
The American Flag at the Montreat Town Hall is being flown at half-staff beginning January 28th – February 2nd in honor of our friend and neighbor Black Mountain Alderman Carlos Showers who passed away from an extended illness on January 27th. Carlos served as Alderman since 2009 and was the second African American to ever do…
Answers to Questions to RFP: Municipal Finance Software
1. How many utility bills are run each month? 674 2. Do you print them in house or use a third party printer/mailer? In house 3. Who is your meter vendor and how are they read (i.e., manually, touch read, radio read, etc). Meuller—read by street machine 4. Do you currently take credit cards for…
Montreat Minute January 24, 2020
It’s a slow news week, but here are several important items for your review: Another New Request for Proposal Several weeks ago, we informed you about a request for proposal for a new financial software system. We recently added another RFP, this time for Independent Auditor Services. We have been with our current auditor for…
NOTICE: Request for Proposal for Audit Services
Due Date: Friday March 6, 2020 Time: 2:00 P.M. Receipt Location: MEMO TO: Prospective Firms FROM: Darlene Carrasquillo, Finance Director SUBJECT: Request for Proposals – Selection of the Independent Auditor DUE DATE AND TIME: Friday, March 6, 2020 – 2:00 P.M. The Town of Montreat is currently seeking proposals from qualified auditors for the project entitled…
Water Outage on Kentucky Road
There will be a water outage in the Kentucy Road area of Montreat due to routine maintanence. We will update the website as necessary.
Montreat Minute January 17, 2020
Town Hall Update Progress continues on the new Town Hall. On the inside, painters have been busy applying prime coats. Electrical and plumbing rough in has been completed, and trim work like doors and door frames, baseboards and other trim will begin in several weeks. Stonework will begin soon as well. On the outside, exterior…
Mayor’s Summary of the January 9th Town Council Meeting
Happy New Year, friends. We appreciated the 20 people who came out for the first Town Council meeting of this new decade. There were some lively discussions, and here’s a summary. As you know, a full overview will be in the official meeting minutes in February’s agenda packet. Public Forum questions/comments included: Tom Frist stated…
Montreat Minute January 10, 2020
Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting Happy New Year, friends. We appreciated the 20 people who came out for the first Town Council meeting of this new decade. There were some lively discussions, and here’s a summary. As you know, a full overview will be in the official meeting minutes in February’s…
Request for Proposals: Municipal Finance Software
RFP #2020-001 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 31, 2020 at 5:00 pm The Town of Montreat is requesting proposals for municipal finance software including conversion and implementation services, ongoing training and technical support for the system. There is no expressed or implied obligation for the Town of Montreat to reimburse an organization for any expenses incurred in…
Montreat Minute for January 3rd, 2020
Montreat Minute for January 3, 2020 Happy New Year from all of us at the Town and best wishes for a gratifying 2020. 2020 Community Calendar Several of you have mentioned that you learn about key Montreat events after they are over or too late to enter them into busy calendars. Therefore, we decided to…
UPDATED: Town Commission Meeting Packet
Please join your Town of Montreat Commissioners at the January 9, 2020 Town Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building. The Public Form will begin at 6:30 p.m. The Meeting Packet can be found here.
Town Offices Closed for New Year’s Day
Just a reminder that the Town Offices will be closed in celebration of New Year’s Day. The office will re-open on Thursday, January 2nd at 8:00 am. Brush collection will be postponed from Wednesday to Thursday, the 2nd.
Montreat Minute for December 27, 2019
New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service Will you be in town on New Year’s Eve? If so, plan on attending the annual Watch Night Service sponsored by the Montreat Cottagers Association. This year, Rev. George Logan, pastor of the New Day Christian Church in Morganton, will be officiating. The service will be held in Gaither…
Montreat Minute for December 20, 2019
Congratulations Angie Murphy We are delighted to announce that our Town Clerk, Angela Murphy, has earned the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC), which is awarded by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC). The CMC designation is granted only to those municipal clerks who complete demanding education requirements and who have a record of…
Special Montreat Minute: 2nd Detour Update
Traffic light repairs have been made and the Greybeard Trail detour is in effect once again. Greybeard Trail is closed between Assembly Circle and West Virginia Terrace. Yellow and orange signs marked “Greybeard Trail Detour” show the way. To access Greybeard Trail take: Louisiana Road to Virginia Road Virginia Road to West Virginia Terrace (watch…
Mayor’s Summary of 12/12/2019 Town Council Meeting
Merry Christmas, Montreaters We were grateful for the 19 people who came out into the cold for this last meeting of the year. There was a lot of discussion, so here’s a summary. As you know, a full overview will be in the official meeting minutes in January’s agenda packet. • Public Forum questions/comments included:…
Mediation Talking Points
A Summary of Events Leading to Mediation Settlement between Two Texas Road Property Owners and the Town of Montreat Property at 322 Texas Road was purchased for the purpose of building a new house. Due to the slope of the lot, the Town’s steep slope ordinance (adopted in 2009) requiring certain conditions was enacted. The owner…
Montreat Minute 12/13/19
Montreat Minute for December 13, 2019 Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting Merry Christmas, Montreaters We were grateful for the 19 people who came out into the cold for this last meeting of the year. There was a lot of discussion, so here’s a summary. As you know, a full overview will…
Special Montreat Minute: Detour Update
Thanks to input from several residents, we have learned that the Graybeard Trail detour is not functioning as intended. After an inspection, it appears there is an equipment malfunction. Therefore, we have suspended the detour until further notice. We expect the equipment to be repaired in the next day or so. We will send a…
Greybeard Trail Detour
BE ADVISED: Repair of lower Greybeard Trail begins 12/9/2019. Greybeard Trail will be closed between Assembly Circle and West Virginia Terrace. Yellow and orange signs marked “Greybeard Trail Detour” show the way. To access Greybeard Trail take: Louisiana Road to Virgina Road Virginia Road to West Virginia Terrace (watch for temporary traffic light) West Virginia…
Montreat Minute for December 6th, 2019
Montreat Minute for December 6, 2019 Good News About Flat Creek The Montreat Landcare Committee held its monthly meeting earlier this week and received a series of reports on research done regarding Flat Creek and the Flat Creek watershed. And the good news is our precious Flat Creek is still considered “pristine” relative to regional…
Town Council Meeting Packet
Please join your Town of Montreat Commissioners at the December 12, 2019 Town Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building. The Public Form will begin at 6:30 p.m. The Meeting Packet can be found here
Special Edition Montreat Minute December 2, 2019
As mentioned in an earlier Montreat Minute, the community is invited to a special Landcare Committee meeting. December’s monthly meeting will feature results of a scientific study of the waters, habitats, and life of the Flat Creek watershed, with conclusions on the quality of the ecosystem, notes on active and pending partnerships of benefit to…
Montreat Minute for November 22, 2019
“Speedy” Reminder With many friends and family visiting Montreat for the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to remind everyone of the increased enforcement of speed limits in Montreat. Due to citizen concerns about excessive speeds, the Montreat Police Department has been more aggressive in citing speeders. Please be aware, and remind your visitors, that the overall…
Town Hall Phone Outage 11/20/2019
The Town Hall has been experiencing a phone outage this afternoon. If you need emergency assistance please dial 911. Thanks for your patience in this matter.
Montreat Minute for November 15, 2019
Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting Hello fellow Montreaters, It was a cold Montreat night, but a few hearty souls came out for the meeting. Here’s a summary of what was discussed. A full summary will be in the official meeting minutes in next month’s agenda packet. Public Forum questions/comments included: Sally…
Mayor’s Summary of the November 14, 2019 Town Council Meeting
Hello fellow Montreaters, It was a cold Montreat night, but a few hearty souls came out for the meeting. Here’s a summary of what was discussed. A full summary will be in the official meeting minutes in next month’s agenda packet. Public Forum questions/comments included: Sally Stansil asked questions regarding the discussion from last month’s…
Montreat Minute for November 8, 2019
Town Council Meeting The monthly meeting of the Montreat Town Council is Thursday, November 14 at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. The Public Forum precedes the Council meeting at 6:30. The meeting agenda is available by CLICKING HERE. And don’t forget, if you can’t make the meeting, it (and the Public Forum) will be live-streamed…
November 14th Town Council Meeting
Please join your Montreat Board of Commissioners on Thursday, November 14th at 7:00 p.m. The Public Forum will start at 6:30 p.m. The meeting packet can be found here
Montreat Minute for November 1, 2019
“Made in Montreat” Art and Craft Sale Don’t miss “Made in Montreat” art and craft sale, to be held tomorrow, Saturday, November 2 from 9am to 3pm in the ground floor of the Moore Center. Come and enjoy fellowship as you visit with and shop from 29 talented Montreat vendors, featuring sewing, knitting, pottery, food…
Montreat Minute, October 25, 2019
Road Paving We’ve mentioned about upcoming road paving. Here’s an update: Lookout Road up to Whitewater Way (near the old stables) and Texas Spur are currently being prepped and will be paved early next week, weather permitting Kentucky Road and Wyck Road will be prepped next week and paving will be done in early November,…
Special Meeting, 10/28/19
The Town of Montreat Board of Commissioners will hold a special called meeting on Monday, October 28th at 4:00PM at the Town Services Building. The purpose of the meeting is to take action on amending the budget, awarding a bid, and authorizing a contract for repairs to lower Greybeard Trail. Click Here for the agenda…
Montreat Minute for October 18, 2019
Town Hall Update Passersby the new Town Hall construction site have been seeing some significant progress in the last several weeks. The roof trusses were in place last week. This week the framers have been busy completing the soffit overhangs and laying roof sheathing, while electricians have been doing “rough in” work on the interior.…
Audit Committee Meeting CANCELLED
The Audit Committee Meeting scheduled for October 18th at 11:00 am is cancelled due to a scheduling issue. Thanks for your understanding!
Montreat Minute for October 11, 2019
Mayor’s Town Council Meeting Summary Greetings Friends, We had approximately 20 people at last night’s meeting in addition to Commissioners and staff members. We’re thankful for their participation. Here’s a summary of the meeting highlights. As usual, a full summary is in the official meeting minutes in next month’s agenda packet. Public Forum questions/comments included:…
Mayor’s Summary of the October 10, 2019 Town Council Meeting
Greetings Friends, We had approximately 20 people at last night’s meeting in addition to Commissioners and staff members. We’re thankful for their participation. Here’s a summary of the meeting highlights. As usual, a full summary is in the official meeting minutes in next month’s agenda packet. Public Forum questions/comments included: Sally Stansil spoke about the…
Give Your Opinion!!
We Need Your Opinion We’ve been publishing the Montreat Minute for year now, and we would like your opinion about it– what you like/dislike, suggestions for improvement and general comments. Please take three minutes (honestly, that’s all it will take!) to complete the Montreat Minute readership survey. CLICK HERE to take the survey. Thank you…
Montreat Minute for October 4, 2019
Bid Opportunities The Town recently posted three bid opportunities for new project work around the Town. To learn more, CLICK HERE then go to Construction bids (Public Works Building General Contractor) and Professional Services Bids (Public Works Building Engineering & Design and Waterline Project). For more information, contact the Town Hall staff at 828/669-8002. Bulk…
October Town Council Meeting- REVISED Packet
Please join your Town of Montreat Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, October 10, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building. The Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. The revised packet can be found here.
Montreat Minute for September 27, 2019
Town Receives Tree Award We all know that the abundance and variety of trees we enjoy help make Montreat a special place. The North Carolina Urban Forest Council agrees! As mentioned in an earlier Montreat Minute, Montreat was selected as the recipient of the Tree City USA 2019 Award for the entire state of North…
Montreat Minute for September 20, 2019
Town Receives Financial Reporting Award We learned earlier this week that Montreat has earned a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association, a national organization purposed to advance excellence in public finance. We received the award based on our 2017-2018 comprehensive annual financial report, or audit as most…
Montreat Minute for September 13, 2019
Montreat Minute for September 13, 2019 Council Meeting Summary Hello Montreaters, This is Mayor Pro Tem Kent Otto writing you with a summary of our meeting last night. Mayor Helms was not able to be at the meeting, so I presided. Here’s a summary of the meeting highlights. Don’t forget that a full summary will…
Vice-Mayor’s Summary of the September 12, 2019 Town Council Meeting
Hello Montreaters, This is Mayor Pro Tem Kent Otto writing you with a summary of our meeting last night. Mayor Helms was not able to be at the meeting, so I presided. Here’s a summary of the meeting highlights. Don’t forget that a full summary will be in the official meeting minutes in next month’s…
Patriot’s Day Remembrance 9/11/19
In honor of the fallen, from the September 11 tragedy, Mayor Helms has ordered the flag at the Town Services Building to be lowered from sunrise to sunset on Wednesday as a sign of remembrance. Please take a moment to remember the lives that were lost that day.
Montreat Minute 9/6/2019
Council Meeting: September 12 The September Town Council meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12 at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. A significant agenda item is appointing a new Commissioner to fill the seat vacated by Bill Gilliland last month. As usual, the meeting will be preceded by the Public Forum at 6:30. CLICK…
September 12th Meeting Packet
The Montreat Board of Commissioners will meet on Thursday, September 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building. The Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. The meeting packet can be found here.
Montreat Minute August 30, 2019
Labor Day Weekend Announcements Today begins Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end to summer. Summer conference season is complete, kids are back at school and it’s even getting cooler outside. Please be advised that the Town Offices will be closed on Monday to honor the holiday. Offices will reopen on Tuesday morning at 8:00am. Sanitation…
Montreat Minute for August 23, 2019
Work Opportunities Available—Paid and Volunteer Several opportunities are currently available for Town service: Paid Positions: Police Patrol Officer– Full Time Finance and Accounting Intern– Part Time (20 hours/week) To learn more about these paid positions, CLICK HERE Volunteer: Board of Adjustment— Several Board positions available To learn more about the work of the Board, CLICK…
UPDATE (8/28/2019) Board of Adjustment Special Meeting CANCELLED for 08/29/2019
The Board of Adjustment will hold a Special Meeting on August 29, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building, 300 Community Center Circle, Montreat, N.C. for the purpose of holding a quasi-judicial hearing and deciding (i) the appeal from the Zoning Administrator’s Determination for Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance issued on May 16, 2019,…
Montreat Minute for August 16, 2019
Welcome (Back) Montreat College Students! You’re likely to see much activity on the Montreat College campus starting today. New student move in and orientation happens today. Returning students will be back on campus on Monday, with classes beginning on the 21st. As mentioned in last week’s Montreat Minute, the College is setting yet another enrollment…