Montreat Minute September 24, 2021
Board of Adjustment Information Update
The Montreat Board of Adjustment met yesterday and considered two items of business:
1) The Board approved a variance request for 314 Lookout Road for side and rear setbacks for a residential addition. To view a recording of last night’s meeting, CLICK HERE.
2) The Board set a date for the hearing of a Special Use Permit (SUP) request for 309 Collegiate Circle for a 40-room hotel and site improvements for Thursday, October 21 at 4:00pm in Graham Chapel in Gaither Hall. Attorneys representing the applicant and respondents expressed concern about COVID-19 and the small space of the hearing room in the Town Hall. Should the hearing not be completed on the 21st, it will be continued to the Board’s regular meeting on October 28, also to be held in Graham Chapel.
Please be advised that the meeting is a quasi-judicial hearing, which means individuals with “standing” as determined by the Board of Adjustment will be the only parties allowed to present testimony in the hearing.
Deadline Approaching for Volunteer Applications
Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting applications to serve on the Town of Montreat Comprehensive Plan Update Steering Committee is next Friday, October 1st. The nine-member committee will be made up of representatives from the various Town entities and community members at-large. The Committee’s work will begin in January 2022 and conclude with the completed report in June 2022.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Committee, please complete an application form by CLICKING HERE or stop by the Town Hall to pick up a paper copy.
Need a Cup of “Joe”?
After the Huckleberry closed, it has not been possible to buy a cup of coffee in Montreat. Until now! Over the summer, Montreat College engaged in a $2 million + upgrade of the Howerton Hall dining facility, including outdoor “bistro” type seating and a completely renovated dining room.
As part of the project, the College added a coffee bar in one corner of the dining room. They are graciously offering availability to Montreaters and other guests. Drink offerings include coffee, espresso, tea, smoothies, “Javalanches”, and more. Muffins and other snacks are also available. Hours are 7:30am to 10:00pm. Cash and credit cards are accepted. Please wear a mask.
And for those with a night appetite, “Howerton After Hours” is available to purchase a cheeseburger, chicken sandwich and other delectable treats. Hours for the night snacks are 7:00 to 10:00pm. We’re grateful to the College for making this special service available to others besides students.
Important Information from the Tree Board
In the last 30 days, Montreat has endured more than eight inches of rain. And in the past 60, we have seen more than 20”. When the ground is saturated and the water table is high, tree roots are challenged to “hold on”. As a result, we see trees falling under their own weight.
Do you know what to do if a tree falls in your yard? What if the tree belongs to the Town or a neighbor? How do you know who it belongs to? These and other questions are answered in a special “Cottagers Tree FAQ” compiled by the Montreat Tree Board and the Town’s Public Works Department. Take a minute to download this important information by CLICKING HERE. In the next storm, you may be glad you did. Many thanks to the Tree Board and Public Works.
Town Council Update
The Town Council met Wednesday for a special called meeting. The meeting was closed to the public as it involved discussion related to a contract with attorney/client privilege. After reconvening into Open Session, the Council approved a contract in the amount of $32,500 with Keller North America to repair the Greybeard gabion wall damaged by Tropical Storm Fred on August 17th.
Updates and Reminders
- The Montreat Tree Board will meet on Tuesday, September 28, at 9:30am in the Town Hall. The meeting will be live-streamed. CLICK HERE for login details. Just a reminder that masks are required (and available) in the Town Hall.
- Did you have damage from Tropical Storm Fred last month that was not covered by insurance? If so, you may be eligible for Federal disaster assistance from FEMA. For details on eligibility and how to file, CLICK HERE.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!