Fee Schedule
Copies (B&W): $0.25 per page
Copies (Color): $0.75 per page
Documents: Actual Cost
Returned Check Fee: $35.00 (per event)
Repealed March 8, 2007
Non-Residential Permits
New Construction or Renovation (up to $1,000,000 in Valuation): $300.00; or $10.00 per $1,000.00 gross construction value; whichever is greater
New Construction or Renovation (over $1,000,000 in Valuation): 0.30% of each additional $1,000,000 or value or portion thereof
Engineering Services Review Fee: $75.00 per hour
Non-Residential Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing Inspection Fees
Per Inspection, Per Trade Discipline: $100.00
Other (Non-Residential)
Modular Offices: $250.00
Day Care Centers: $80.00 per trade discipline
ABC License: $80.00 per trade discipline
Certificate of Occupancy: $150.00
Residential Construction Permits (New)
Site-Built Homes: Fees based on Estimated Construction Cost x 0.006
Covered Heated Areas: $132.00 per sq. ft.
Covered Unheated Areas: $60.00 per sq. ft.
Porches, Decks, Patios, etc.: $44.00 per sq. ft.
Concrete Slabs, Walks, Drives, etc.: $4.00 per sq. ft.
Manufactured Homes: $88.00 per sq. ft.
Residential Construction Permits
$0 - $999.99: $30.00
$1,000 - $1,999.99: $40.00
$2,000 - $4,999.99: $50.00
$5,000 or more: Actual Cost of Construction x 0.006 or $50.00, whichever is greater
Residential Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing Inspection Fees
Per Inspection, Per Trade Discipline: $100.00
Mechanical Appliance Change Out: $100.00
LP Gas Piping/System (per inspection required): $75.00
Residential Certificate of Occupancy Fee: $60.00
Miscellaneous Inspection & Administration Fees
Demolition Permit: $100.00
Driveway Permit: $100.00
Fire Inspection: $100.00
Grading Permit: $150.00
Homeowners Recovery Fee: $10.00
Re-Inspection Fee: $100.00
Residential Retaining Walls (<48" unbalanced backfill): $100.00
Engineered Retaining Walls (>48" unbalanced backfill or commercial projects): $300.00 Minimum Fee or 0.006 x Project Cost (including design work), whichever is greater
Work Performed Without Building and Zoning Permits: Double Permit Fee
Water Rates
Water bills are composed of two distinct charges: Water Access Fees and Water Consumption Fees:
- Water Access Fees recover the costs of meter reading, meter maintenance, and billing for water and sewer. They also cover some work done by other town departments such as public works, finance, and administration that support these functions.
- Water Consumption Fees are based on the amount of water they actually consumed for the month.
Water Access Fee: $15.35
Water Rate (per 1,000 gallons): $6.26
Water Rate outside of Town Limits: 1.63 times in-Town rate
Meter Set: $415.00
Meter Tap: $2185.00
Water Access Fees
- 3/4" Line: $15.35
- 1 inch Line: $93.25
-2 inch Line: $226.50
-2 inch fire suppression line: $76.50
-6 inch line: $554.50
-6 inch fire suppression line: $126.75
Water Rates (per 1,000 gallons):
- Consumption up to 3,999,999 based on previous year's usage, all accounts combined per institution: $7.83
- Consumption 4,000,000 or more based on previous year's usage, all accounts combined per institution: $9.39
Water Rate outside of Town Limits - 1.63 times in-Town rate
Meter Set: $415.00
Meter Tap: $2,185.00
Other Fees
Water Billing Fee: $1.50
Reconnection Fee: $150.00
Water Service Transfer Fee: $30.00
Late Fee: 5% per month on past due balances
Meter Tampering Fee
- $200 for the first violation
- $500 for each subsequent violation
Sewer Rates
Determined by the Metropolitan Sewerage District Fee Schedule
Minimum: $50.00<25 square feet
Normal Fee: $2.00 per square foot
Maximum: $2,500.00
Full Width Overlay (Master Permit - must be requested at time of cut application): $50.00
Street/Sidewalk/Dirt Cut Permit Length: 10 working days (excluding weather delays)
Additional Re-Inspections: $50.00 each
Additional Re-Inspections for Warranty Work: $50.00 each
Failure to obtain permit: $50.00 per day
Exceeding time (past 10 working days): $50.00 per day
30-Day Extensions (must be requested prior to permit expiration): No Charge
Board of Adjustment Fees
Appeals or Interpretations: $50.00
Rezoning Requests: $200.00
Variance Applications: $350.00
Zoning Ordinance Amendment Applications: $100.00
Planning & Zoning Commission Fees
Rezoning and Conditional Rezoning Requests: $200.00
Ordinance and Map Amendment Applications: $50.00
Permit Fees
Certificate of Zoning Compliance: $35.00
Stormwater Permit: $400.00 per acre, or portion thereof, for total disturbed acreage equal to or exceeding 12,000 square feet. Below 12,000 square feet disturbed area, a $100 flat rate shall be applied to all development and qualified redevelopment requiring a permit as described in the Montreat General Ordinance, Chapter K, Article III.
Floodplain Development Permit: $100.00
Subdivision Plat Review Fees
Minor Subdivision: $50.00
Major Subdivision: $100.00
Sign Permit Fees
Free-Standing Signs: $25.00
Wall Signs: $20.00
Projection Signs: $20.00
Suspended Signs: $10.00
Home Occupation Signs: $10.00
Other Permits
Wireless Communications Facility - Plan Review Fee: $500.00
Wireless Communications Facility - Intermodulation Study: $500.00
Fire Permits (Operational or Construction): $25.00
Back Door Collection - Three Months: $105.00
Back Door Collection - Annual: $135.00
Special Pick Up: $30.00 minimum
Solid Waste Fee: $15 monthly on water bill
ETJ Collection Rate: $300.00 annually
Mattress Disposal Fee: $15 per item
TV/Computer Monitor: $15 per item
Leaf Collection Fee (outside normal collection period): $25.00
Brush/Yard Waste Collection Fee (over 3 cubic yards): $25.00 per each additional 3 cubic yards
Parking Fines
Illegal Parking: $100.00
Handicap Parking (Unauthorized): $250.00
Late Fee for Parking Fines: Additional $10.00 if not paid within 15 days
Immobilization Fees: $50.00
Town Ordinance Violation Fees
Variable Depending Upon Specific Violation : $100-$500
Life Safety Code Violations: $100.00
Non-Conforming Sign Violations: $50.00 if not removed within 15 days
Copies (B&W): $0.25 per page
Copies (Color): $0.75 per page
Documents: Actual Cost
Returned Check Fee: $35.00 (per event)
Repealed March 8, 2007
Non-Residential Permits
New Construction or Renovation (up to $1,000,000 in Valuation): $300.00; or $10.00 per $1,000.00 gross construction value; whichever is greater
New Construction or Renovation (over $1,000,000 in Valuation): 0.30% of each additional $1,000,000 or value or portion thereof
Engineering Services Review Fee: $75.00 per hour
Non-Residential Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing Inspection Fees
Per Inspection, Per Trade Discipline: $100.00
Other (Non-Residential)
Modular Offices: $250.00
Day Care Centers: $80.00 per trade discipline
ABC License: $80.00 per trade discipline
Certificate of Occupancy: $150.00
Residential Construction Permits (New)
Site-Built Homes: Fees based on Estimated Construction Cost x 0.006
Covered Heated Areas: $132.00 per sq. ft.
Covered Unheated Areas: $60.00 per sq. ft.
Porches, Decks, Patios, etc.: $44.00 per sq. ft.
Concrete Slabs, Walks, Drives, etc.: $4.00 per sq. ft.
Manufactured Homes: $88.00 per sq. ft.
Residential Construction Permits
$0 - $999.99: $30.00
$1,000 - $1,999.99: $40.00
$2,000 - $4,999.99: $50.00
$5,000 or more: Actual Cost of Construction x 0.006 or $50.00, whichever is greater
Residential Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing Inspection Fees
Per Inspection, Per Trade Discipline: $100.00
Mechanical Appliance Change Out: $100.00
LP Gas Piping/System (per inspection required): $75.00
Residential Certificate of Occupancy Fee: $60.00
Miscellaneous Inspection & Administration Fees
Demolition Permit: $100.00
Driveway Permit: $100.00
Fire Inspection: $100.00
Grading Permit: $150.00
Homeowners Recovery Fee: $10.00
Re-Inspection Fee: $100.00
Residential Retaining Walls (<48" unbalanced backfill): $100.00
Engineered Retaining Walls (>48" unbalanced backfill or commercial projects): $300.00 Minimum Fee or 0.006 x Project Cost (including design work), whichever is greater
Work Performed Without Building and Zoning Permits: Double Permit Fee
Water Rates
Water bills are composed of two distinct charges: Water Access Fees and Water Consumption Fees:
- Water Access Fees recover the costs of meter reading, meter maintenance, and billing for water and sewer. They also cover some work done by other town departments such as public works, finance, and administration that support these functions.
- Water Consumption Fees are based on the amount of water they actually consumed for the month.
Water Access Fee: $14.35
Water Rate (per 1,000 gallons): $6.26
Water Rate outside of Town Limits: 1.63 times in-Town rate
Meter Set: $315.00
Meter Tap: $1830.10
Water Access Fees
- 3/4" Line: $14.35
- 1 inch Line: $92.25
-2 inch Line: $225.50
-2 inch fire suppression line: $75.50
-6 inch line: $553.50
-6 inch fire suppression line: $125.75
Water Rates (per 1,000 gallons):
- Consumption up to 3,999,999 based on previous year's usage, all accounts combined per institution: $7.83
- Consumption 4,000,000 or more based on previous year's usage, all accounts combined per institution: $9.39
Water Rate outside of Town Limits - 1.63 times in-Town rate
Meter Set: $315.00
Meter Tap: $1,830.10
Other Fees
Water Billing Fee: $1.50
Reconnection Fee: $150.00
Water Service Transfer Fee: $25.00
Late Fee: 5% per month on past due balances
Sewer Rates
Determined by the Metropolitan Sewerage District Fee Schedule
Minimum: $50.00<25 square feet
Normal Fee: $2.00 per square foot
Maximum: $2,500.00
Full Width Overlay (Master Permit - must be requested at time of cut application): $50.00
Street/Sidewalk/Dirt Cut Permit Length: 10 working days (excluding weather delays)
Additional Re-Inspections: $50.00 each
Additional Re-Inspections for Warranty Work: $50.00 each
Failure to obtain permit: $50.00 per day
Exceeding time (past 10 working days): $50.00 per day
30-Day Extensions (must be requested prior to permit expiration): No Charge
Board of Adjustment Fees
Appeals or Interpretations: $50.00
Variance Applications: $350.00
Planning & Zoning Commission Fees
Rezoning and Conditional Rezoning Requests: $200.00
Ordinance and Map Amendment Applications: $50.00
Permit Fees
Certificate of Zoning Compliance: $35.00
Stormwater Permit: $400.00 per acre, or portion thereof, for total disturbed acreage equal to or exceeding 12,000 square feet. Below 12,000 square feet disturbed area, a $100 flat rate shall be applied to all development and qualified redevelopment requiring a permit as described in the Montreat General Ordinance, Chapter K, Article III.
Floodplain Development Permit: $100.00
Subdivision Plat Review Fees
Minor Subdivision: $50.00
Major Subdivision: $100.00
Sign Permit Fees
Free-Standing Signs: $25.00
Wall Signs: $20.00
Projection Signs: $20.00
Suspended Signs: $10.00
Home Occupation Signs: $10.00
Other Permits
Wireless Communications Facility - Plan Review Fee: $500.00
Wireless Communications Facility - Intermodulation Study: $500.00
Fire Permits (Operational or Construction): $25.00
Back Door Collection - Three Months: $95.00
Back Door Collection - Annual: $131.25
Special Pick Up: $30.00 minimum
Solid Waste Fee: $15 annually on water bill
ETJ Collection Rate: $300.00 annually
Mattress Disposal Fee: $15 per item
TV/Computer Monitor: $15 per item
Leaf Collection Fee (outside normal collection period): $25.00
Brush/Yard Waste Collection Fee (over 3 cubic yards): $25.00 per each additional 3 cubic yards
Parking Fines
Illegal Parking: $50.00
Handicap Parking (Unauthorized): $250.00
Late Fee for Parking Fines: Additional $10.00 if not paid within 15 days
Immobilization Fees: $50.00
Town Ordinance Violation Fees
Variable Depending Upon Specific Violation : $100-$500
Life Safety Code Violations: $100.00
Non-Conforming Sign Violations: $50.00 if not removed within 15 days