Montreat News Archive

Montreat Minute for August 16, 2019

August 16, 2019

Welcome (Back) Montreat College Students! You’re likely to see much activity on the Montreat College campus starting today. New student move in and orientation happens today. Returning students will be back on campus on Monday, with classes beginning on the 21st. As mentioned in last week’s Montreat Minute, the College is setting yet another enrollment…

Service Outage

August 14, 2019

The Town Offices experienced an outage this morning, 8/14/19, with telephone and internet connection. All telecommunications are now restored. We apologize if this caused any inconvenience.

Montreat Minute for August 9, 2019

August 9, 2019

Mayor’s Meeting Summary from last night’s Town Council Meeting Greetings Montreaters, Although summer is winding down, Town business continues! Here are the highlights: Joe Kirkland shared exciting news from Montreat College. Although final student census figures won’t be available for a few weeks, the College is anticipating a 10% increase in the student body over…

Mayor’s Summary of the August 8, 2019 Town Council Meeting

August 9, 2019

Greetings Montreaters, Although summer is winding down, Town business continues! Here are the highlights: Public Forum questions/comments included: Joe Kirkland shared exciting news from Montreat College. Although final student census figures won’t be available for a few weeks, the College is anticipating a 10% increase in the student body over last year bringing the total…

Water Outage on Georgia Terrace- UPDATE

August 5, 2019

Due to a water line break on Georgia Terrace there will be an interruption of service on Monday, August 5th for approximately two hours beginning at 2:00 p.m.  Thank you for your patience!  If you have discoloration when water comes back on flush an outside spigot.  Water is still out of service at 5;00 p.m. …

August 8th Meeting Packet

August 1, 2019

Please join your Town of Montreat Board of Commissioners on August 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building.  The Public Forum begins at 6:30 p.m.  The meeting packet can be found here

Montreat Minute 08/02/2019

August 1, 2019

 Council Meeting: August 8 The August Town Council meeting will be held on Thursday, August 8 at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. As usual, it will be preceded by the Public Forum at 6:30. CLICK HERE for a copy of the agenda. Please come. All are invited. Town Hall Update If you’ve driven by the…

Board of Adjustment Meeting CANCELLED

July 23, 2019

The Board of Adjustment Meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 25th has been CANCELLED due to lack of a quorum.

Montreat Minute July 19, 2019

July 19, 2019

 Job Opportunities! The Town of Montreat has several job opportunities available, including a part-time Finance and Accounting Intern and a Reserve Police Officer. For more information on the two positions, CLICK HERE. Volunteer Opportunities The Town also has citizen volunteer opportunities available. The Board of Adjustment currently has several openings on this very important quasi-judicial…

Special Montreat Minute for July 18, 2019

July 18, 2019

 Come to a Moon Landing Party! As we mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 first moon walk, the US Post Office is releasing a special anniversary edition “moon walk” stamp tomorrow, Friday, July 19. To commemorate the special occasion, come to a “Moon Landing Party” at the Montreat Post Office from 11:30am to…

JULY P&Z Commission Cancelled

July 16, 2019

Just a reminder that the July 18th Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting has been cancelled.  They do plan to meet in August on the 15th at a location to be determined. 

Mayor’s Summary of the July 11, 2019 Town Council Meeting

July 12, 2019

Town Council Meeting Greetings Montreaters and Happy Summer, We had a very productive Council meeting. We appreciate the 18 people who came to be a part of and observe the proceedings. Here are the highlights: • Public Forum questions/comments included: o Harriss Ricks shared his concern with Duke Power’s use of chemical sprays to kill…

Montreat Minute for July 12, 2019

July 11, 2019

Mayor’s Meeting Summary Greetings Montreaters and Happy Summer, We had a very productive Council meeting. We appreciate the 18 people who came to be a part of and observe the proceedings. Here are the highlights: • Public Forum questions/comments included: o Harris Ricks shared his concern with Duke Power’s use of chemical sprays to kill…

Updated July 11,2019 Meeting Packet

July 10, 2019

Please join the Town of Montreat Board of Commissioners on Thursday, July 11, 2019 for the July Town Council Meeting.  The updated meeting packet can be found here

Semi-Annual Bulk Pickup Tomorrow (7/9/2019)

July 8, 2019

It’s time to clean out those garages!!  The July Bulk Item Pickup is Tomorrow!!  We pick up electronics, appliances, boxes, mattresses and box-springs (for a $5 per item charge) and much more!  The only items we won’t pick up are construction equipment and tires!  Get it out early because crews start picking up at 8:00…

July 11, 2019 Town Council Meeting Packet

July 5, 2019

Please join your Town of Montreat Commissioner’s for their July 11th Town Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building.  The Public Forum begins at 6:30 p.m.  The meeting packet can be found here

Montreat Minute July 5, 2019

July 5, 2019

 4th of July Quick Recap Montreat had another successful 4th of July celebration yesterday. It began with more than 200 runners for the Montreat Gait 5K Race. Even a live black bear tried to join in (he was a bit late for the starting gate!). The parade was one of the longest and best in…

Montreat Minute for June 21, 2019

June 21, 2019

Robert Lake Park is Open! Congratulations and many thanks to MRA, especially Facilities Director John Quinzi and his crew, for completing the restoration of Robert Lake Park on time as promised! With children or without, stop by the park to see the excellent work that was done to repair damage from Tropical Storm Alberto and…

Montreat Minute for June 14, 2019

June 14, 2019

Mayor’s Summary from the June 13 Council Meeting Hello Fellow Montreaters, We had a great turnout for the “Welcome Back to Montreat” reception and the June Council meeting. We appreciate all who came. Here are the highlights: Welcome Back Reception: We had a good size crowd attend a lovely reception as a kick-off to the…

Mayor’s Summary of 6/13/19 Town Commission Meeting

June 14, 2019

Mayor’s Summary of the June 13th, 2019 Town Council Meeting Hello Fellow Montreaters, We had a great turnout for the “Welcome Back to Montreat” reception and the June Council meeting. We appreciate all who came. Here are the highlights: Welcome Back Reception: We had a good size crowd attend a lovely reception as a kick-off…

Montreat Minute Special Edition

June 12, 2019

 Come to the special “Welcome to Montreat Summer” Reception Tomorrow June 13 You are invited to the second annual Montreat Summer Reception at 6:00pm in your honor to celebrate summer. Come to the Walk Up building prior to the Public Forum and Town Council meeting for refreshments, greet old Montreat friends and meet new ones.…

Wyck Road Closed

June 11, 2019

Wyck Road will be closed to through traffic beginning on 6/11/19. Completion of repairs is anticipated by 6/14/19. Residents will still be able to access property.

Special Montreat Minute-06/10/2019

June 10, 2019

Come to the Town Hall Groundbreaking Tomorrow June 11 Don’t miss tomorrow’s Town Hall groundbreaking. After all the rain, the weatherman is predicting sunshine for tomorrow’s ceremony at 10:00am! Come to the site of the new Town Hall. Meet the architect, builder and landscape architect. Review the building and landscape design drawings. Enjoy the refreshments…

Town Services Office Closure

June 7, 2019

The Town Services Office will be closing on Friday, June 7th at 3:30 p.m.  We will reopen on regular schedule on Monday the 10th at 8:00 a.m. 

Montreat Minute for 6/7/2019

June 7, 2019

Town Hall Groundbreaking We hope you have marked your calendar for Tuesday, June 11, for the groundbreaking of the new Town Hall. Come to the site of the new Town Hall at 10:00am for the special event. Meet the architect, builder and landscape architect. Review the building and landscape design drawings. Enjoy the refreshments and…

June 13th Town Council Meeting

June 6, 2019

Please join your Montreat Board of Commissioners at the June 13th Town Council Meeting in the Walkup Building at 7:00 p.m.  The Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m.  The “Welcome Back to Montreat” Party begins at 6:00 p.m.  See you there!  The agenda packet can be found here

Road Closure – Weekend of 5/31/2019

May 31, 2019

Upper Kentucky Road will be closed throughout the weekend of May 31st for culvert repairs.  Please use caution if up in this area!

Montreat Minute 5/31/2019

May 31, 2019

Town Hall Groundbreaking As announced last week, Tuesday, June 11 marks a very special day in the life of Montreat. We will have the groundbreaking for the new Town Hall. Come to the site of the new Town Hall at 10:00am for the special event. Meet the architect, builder and landscape architect. Review the building…

Updated: Administrator’s Draft Budget

May 30, 2019

The updated Town Administrator’s proposed a FY 2019-2020 Budget to the Board of Commissioners tonight. Click here to read the proposal. A public hearing will be held on the budget at the regular meeting on June 13th. You input is welcome!

Roads Closed on 5/28/2019

May 28, 2019

Good Morning!  Parts of Kentucky Road and Wyck Road will be closed today for tree removal.  Please use caution when driving and walking these roads. 

UPDATED: Special Town Council Meeting May 30, 2019

May 24, 2019

The updated agenda packet includes contract amendment for the Town Hall Construction.  Please join the Town of Montreat Board of Commissioners on May 30, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building for a Special Meeting of the Board. 

Montreat Minute May 24, 2019

May 23, 2019

Save the Date! It’s something we have all been waiting for: Town Hall groundbreaking! Circle Tuesday, June 11 at 10:00am on your calendar. There will be a special presentation and the first excavation for the Town Hall, followed by refreshments and displays of the building and landscape design drawings. It will be a fitting start…

Sanitation Change – Week of May 27th

May 21, 2019

The Town of Montreat will be closed for business on Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, May 28th.  Sanitation services for that week will begin on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. 

Montreat Minute May 17, 2019

May 17, 2019

Is Your Yard Wildlife Certified? Wildlife habitat gardens are a haven for local birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. Does your yard or garden provide habitat such as food, water, and protection for wildlife? If so, it’s probably eligible to be recognized as a Certified Wildlife Habitat® by the National Wildlife Federation. Did you know that…

Water Main Break 05/15/2019

May 15, 2019

The water on Texas Road is temporarily shut off due to a main water line break.  When the water comes back on please flush your water at an outside spigot for several months.  Please call the Town Services Building if you have any questions!

Bulk Pickup Day – July 9, 2019

May 15, 2019

Get started on your Spring Cleaning!!  Bulk Pickup Day is just around the corner…..July 9, 2019!!  Acceptable items include furniture, mattresses, appliances, electronics, carpet, toys, air conditioners and water heaters.  Collected at no cost, except for a $5 per-item fee for mattresses and box springs!  Just a reminder we do not pick up tires or…

Paving & Roadwork 5/15/19

May 15, 2019

The following roads will have short delays due to paving and/or roadwork on May 15, 2019:  Texas Road, Quillan Lane, Calvin Trail and Frist Rd.  Please use caution while driving because workers will be in and out of the roadways.  Thank you for your patience! 

Town Meeting Summary 5-9-19

May 10, 2019

Hello Fellow Montreaters, We had a long but productive Council meeting. We appreciate the 20 people who came to be a part of the evening’s proceedings. Here are the highlights from the meeting: • Public Forum questions/comments included: o Resident Nancy Fletcher asked about the Greybeard Trail retaining wall repairs. Town Administrator Alex Carmichael stated…

Montreat Minute May 10, 2019

May 10, 2019

Hello Fellow Montreaters, We had a long but productive Council meeting. We appreciate the 20 people who came to be a part of the evening’s proceedings. Here are the highlights from the meeting: • Public Forum questions/comments included: o Resident Nancy Fletcher asked about the Greybeard Trail retaining wall repairs. Town Administrator Alex Carmichael stated…

Montreat Presenter in NC Urban Forest Council Webinar

May 8, 2019

Along with the communities of Wake Forest and Wilson, Montreat presented on Tree Boards and Community Involvement as part of a webinar hosted by the North Carolina Urban Forest Council. Didn’t get to watch? That’s OK. You can download Montreat’s presentation here, or talk to Ann Vinson or Alex Carmichael about the program.

Montreat Minute May, 3, 2019

May 7, 2019

Native Plant Sale a Success! Last Saturday’s Native Plant Sale was a success by all standards: the weather could not have been better, the turnout was great including many from outside Montreat, the plants were beautiful, the programs and exhibits interesting and the music superb. Many thanks to the Landcare Committee and Plant Sale Chairs…

May 9 Town Council Meeting

May 6, 2019

Please join the Montreat Board of Commissioners on Thursday, May 9, 2019 in the Walkup Building for the May Town Council Meeting.  The Agenda Packet can be found here

Public Hearing Notice

April 29, 2019

The Montreat Board of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter in the Walkup Building, 300 Community Center Circle, Montreat, NC. The purpose of the hearing is to consider an Appeal from the Zoning Administrators Determination regarding construction of a single family…

Special Montreat Minute for April 26, 2019

April 26, 2019

 Native Plant Sale Tomorrow! Don’t miss the Montreat Native Plant Sale and Arbor Day Celebration, tomorrow, Saturday, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. at Moore Field. The event offers a wide variety of activities, including a broad selection of indoor and outdoor plants and opportunities to learn about native plants and gardening. Also, learn about…

Montreat Minute April 26, 2019

April 25, 2019

 Don’t Miss the Native Plant Sale Tomorrow! Don’t miss the Montreat Native Plant Sale and Arbor Day Celebration, tomorrow, Saturday, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. at Moore Field. It offers a wide selection of indoor and outdoor plants as well as opportunities to learn about native plants and gardening. Also, learn about Montreat outdoors.…

Montreat Minute for April 19, 2019

April 18, 2019

Happy Easter and a Quick Reminder From all of us including the Town Council and staff, we wish you a wonderful and meaningful Easter. And just a reminder that the Town Offices will be closed tomorrow, Friday, for the Good Friday holiday. Normal hours will resume on Monday, and sanitation services will not be affected…

West Virginia Terrace Road Closures 4/16/2019

April 16, 2019

West Virginia Terrace will be closed intermittently on April 16, 2019 for numerous tree removals along the roadway.  Please use caution when traveling this area of Town. 

Montreat Minute April 12, 2019

April 12, 2019

Mayor’s Summary of the April 12, 2019 Town Council Meeting Greetings Friends, Spring has come to Montreat and we all welcome its arrival. We thank the 18 people who came to be a part of the evening’s proceedings. Here are the highlights from the discussions: • Public Forum questions/comments included: o Resident Jean Norris, dressed…

Board of Commissioners Retreat Packet

April 8, 2019

The Board of Commissioners Annual Retreat will be held on Thursday, April 11th from 12:00 – 5:00 in the Way Out Building.  The public is welcome to attend.  The agenda packet can be found here.

Montreat Minute April 5, 2019

April 5, 2019

Town Council Meeting Just a quick reminder that the monthly Town Council meeting will be held next Thursday, April 11, at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. The Public Forum will precede the meeting at 6:30. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come and participate. The agenda is available by CLICKING HERE. Council Retreat And one…

April 11, Board of Commissioners Meeting

April 4, 2019

Please join us on Thursday, April 11 in the Walkup Building for the April meeting of the Montreat Board of Commissioners. The community forum begins at 6:30 PM and the regular meeting at 7:00 PM. The agenda packet may be found by CLICKING HERE.

Public Hearing 4/11/2019

April 3, 2019

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ISSUING INSTALLMENT FINANCING FOR $1 MILLION FOR THE NEW TOWN HALL The public is hereby notified that the Town of Montreat has secured installment financing for $1 million for the construction of the Town Hall. This contract is hereby authorized under G.S. 160A-20 involving real property. The Board of Commissioners will hold…

South Carolina Terrace Road Closure

April 1, 2019

South Carolina Terrace will be closed from 406 South Carolina Terrace to 434 South Carolina Terrace on April 1st – April 3rd for bank stabilization efforts.  Please use caution around this area.

Montreat Minute for March 29, 2019

March 29, 2019

Town Hall Update Much activity is occurring with the Town Hall, even though it isn’t visible on the construction site. Here are several significant steps taking place The architect, landscape architect, contractor and interior decorator are all hard at work on details of the building and property. Initial recommendations by the team are exciting, showing…

South Carolina Terrace Road Closure

March 27, 2019

South Carolina Terrace, from 447 S Carolina Terrace to 505 S Carolina Terrace, will be closed on March 27, 2019 for culvert repair.  Please use caution when approaching this roadway.

Montreat Minute for March 22, 2019

March 20, 2019

Thank You for Your Patience and Flexibility The Assembly Drive “scenic detour” is a memory now, and we thank you for your understanding for the extra several days of inconvenience. We hope you’re happy with the added feature of the crosswalk on Assembly Drive. It will create a safer crossing and, after the new Town…

Update: Road Closures on 3/20/2019

March 20, 2019

Please be advised that Tennessee Road will be closed at Tennessee Road and Assembly Drive until Friday for culvert repair!  Also Texas Road at Texas Spur will be closed periodically throughout the day!  Use caution when traversing these areas.

Town of Montreat Wins Award

March 20, 2019

The Town of Montreat has been awarded The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.  For more information click here.


March 19, 2019

The Town of Montreat’s Design- Build RFQ 2019-0014 closes 3/29/19. The project is a metal shell building for the Public Works Depart. Details are below. DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES RFQ 2019-004 Design-Build Services for Public Works Shell Building Project Submittal Instructions and Requirements Pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section 143-128.1(A), the Town of Montreat, NC is seeking statements of…

Installment Financing Bid Opportunity

March 18, 2019

Request for Proposal 2019-005 $1,000,000* Installment Financing Agreement Bids due by: Monday, March 25, 2019 @ 12:00 pm The Town of Montreat, North Carolina (the “Town”), is requesting proposals from financial institutions with respect to a commercial loan to be evidenced by an estimated $1,000,000* Installment Financing Agreement (the “Agreement”).  The estimated loan amount is…

Vice Mayor’s Summary of the March 14, 2019 Town Council Meeting

March 15, 2019

Greetings Fellow Montreaters, This is Kent Otto, Mayor Pro Tem, taking over for Mayor Helm’s as he was out of town for the meeting. We were appreciative of the 16 people who came to be a part of the evening’s proceedings. Here are the highlights from the meeting: Public Forum questions/comments included: There were a…

Montreat Minute March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019

Vice-Mayor’s Summary of the March 14, 2019 Town Council Meeting Greetings Fellow Montreaters, This is Kent Otto, Mayor Pro Tem, taking over for Mayor Helm’s as he was out of town for the meeting. We were appreciative of the 16 people who came to be a part of the evening’s proceedings. Here are the highlights…

Montreat Minute March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019

Detour! Just a quick reminder that significant road work will begin on Monday, March 11, on Assembly Drive at the intersections of Kanawha and Virginia to replace the damaged stormwater culvert. Detour signs heading into and out of Montreat will be clearly posted, rerouting drivers around the truck entrance, up Kanawha to Mecklenburg to Mississippi…

March 14th Town Council Meeting Packet

March 7, 2019

Please join the Montreat Town Council at the March Commission Meeting on Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 p.m.  The Public Forum begins at 6:30 p.m.  The meeting packet can be found here.

Road Closure 3/5/2019

March 4, 2019

Lookout Road at the intersection of Assembly will be closed on Tuesday, 3/5/19 for repair. Traffic will be re-routed via Community Circle from 9AM to 5PM. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Bid Opportunity

March 4, 2019

Public Works Building The Town of Montreat has posted a new bid opportunity: RFP 2019-004 Design-Build Services for Public Works Shell Building Project. Find details by by navigating to our bids page and choosing the “Construction Bids” dropdown menu.

Montreat Minute March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019

Roads Update Here’s a quick update on various road projects in Montreat: Texas Road: As mentioned earlier, Texas Road between the Bill Wilde Rec. Center and the junction with Texas Road Spur is closed for installation of a water line. It’s expected that Texas Road will reopen by March 8. Greybeard Trail: A Request for…

Interested in contracting with the Town of Montreat?

February 28, 2019

Interested in contracting with the Town of Montreat? Sign up to receive notifications about any and all bid opportunities with the Town of Montreat. Whether you are interested in construction contracts or contracts for financial services, you can tailor your notifications by on our Bids Updates Page.

Road Closed 2/27/19

February 27, 2019

Texas Road Spur will be closed to through traffic today, 2/27/19, from the tennis courts to the intersection with Texas Road Extension. Residents will continue have to access their homes.

Road Closed 2/25/19

February 25, 2019

Please use caution while driving this morning around Alabama Ave and Georgia Terrace.  There are trees and power poles down along with debris.  Public Work Crews will be working in the roadway to remove downed trees and debris. 

Montreat Minute February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019

More Volunteer Opportunities Many thanks to the six people who applied for the recent Planning and Zoning Commission open positions. The Commission is now officially “full”. It is exciting to have such an outpouring of willingness to serve. There are six current opportunities to serve on the Board of Adjustment, including two regular members, two…

Montreat Minute February 15, 2019

February 15, 2019

Montreat Minute for February 15, 2019 Mayor’s Summary of the February 14, 2019 Town Council Meeting Greetings Fellow Montreaters, There was a lively and involved group attending the February Town Council meeting. Those who attended were treated to Valentine’s goodies supplied by the Town Council to thank everyone for their support and to say “We…

Mayor’s Summary of Feb 14th Town Council Meeting

February 15, 2019

gGreetings Fellow Montreaters, There was a lively and involved group attending the February Town Council meeting. Those who attended were treated to Valentine’s goodies supplied by the Town Council to thank everyone for their support and to say “We all love Montreat”. Great cookies and candy! Here are the highlights from the meeting: Public Forum…

Special Montreat Minute

February 14, 2019

Montreat Minute Special Edition! Progress on the Montreat Town Hall project is moving along. And at this stage, YOU can be a part of it. Help “Montreatize” the new Town Hall … And be part of an exciting legacy. The new Town Hall is going to look great! At the request of Montreaters, it will…

Live Streaming Commission Meetings

February 13, 2019

The Town of Montreat continues to test formats for live streaming Town Commission meetings through social media. CHECK OUR YOU TUBE PAGE FOR LIVE STREAMING today!

February 14th Updated Town Council Meeting Packet

February 13, 2019

Please join us February 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building for the February Town Council Meeting.  The Public Forum begins at 6:30 p.m.  The updated Meeting Packet can be found here.

Bid Opening-02/13/19

February 11, 2019

A Public Meeting will be held on February 13th at 11:00 a.m. in the Town Services Building to open RFQs #2019-002 Professional Services for Texas Road Pedestrian Bridge.  The meeting is open to the public.

Montreat Minute for February 8

February 8, 2019

Town Council Meeting on Thursday Just a reminder that the February Town council meeting will be this Thursday, February 14, at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. The Public Forum will precede the Council meeting, and all are invited to both. Special Valentine refreshments will be provided by the Commissioners to show their appreciation for Montreaters.…

Road Closure on Eastminster Terrace on 02/06/19

February 5, 2019

Eastminster Terrace will be closed periodically during the day on February 6, 2019 for tree work.  Some of the closures will take awhile.  The work will be just above the intersection of Shenandoah and Eastminster.  Use caution!

Montreat Addresses: Share Your Experiences

January 30, 2019

Montreat struggles with an address issue, and this has caused concern and problems to a number of residents in Montreat. GPS mechanisms may not recognize a street address as being in Montreat (zip code 28757), but registers it instead as being in Black Mountain (zip code 28711). Please share your experiences with this address issue.…

Montreat Minute for January 25

January 25, 2019

Update on Planning and Zoning Review Process The Planning and Zoning Commission met recently to begin a seven month process to review the Zoning Ordinance and make recommendations for changes at the request of the Montreat Board of Commissioners.   The Committee began the process by taking public comment on all aspects of the Ordinance.…

Montreat Minute for January 18

January 18, 2019

Town Offices Closed for ML King Day/Trash Pickup Rescheduled Please be advised that the Town of Montreat offices will be closed on Monday, January 21 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday at 8:00am.   Due to the closure, sanitation pick up will not be done on Monday, but…

Planning and Zoning Seeks Public Input

January 15, 2019

This week the Planning and Zoning Commission will begin a seven month process to review the Zoning Ordinance and make recommendations for changes. The Committee will begin the process by taking public comment on all aspects of the Ordinance. Please come and offer your views on development in Montreat.  After the initial public input meeting,…

Bid Opportunity: Professional Services, Texas Road Bridge

January 14, 2019

(RE-ADVERTISED:) RFQ FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TEXAS ROAD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PROJECT NUMBER 2019-002   The Town of Montreat requests proposals from qualified and experienced engineers to prepare design documents for the Texas Road Pedestrian Bridge Project Number 2019-002. The purpose of this project is to prepare design documents for the conversion of Texas Road Bridge from…

Montreat Minute for January 11

January 11, 2019

  Mayor’s Summary of the January 10, 2019 Town Council Meeting   Hello Fellow Montreaters,   I hope your new year has started well. For the Town, we’ve started the year at a fast pace. Our January Town Council meeting had a very important agenda item to act on– the new Town Hall. More than…

Mayor’s Summary of the January 10, 2019 Town Council Meeting

January 11, 2019

Hello Fellow Montreaters,   I hope your new year has started well. For the Town, we’ve started the year at a fast pace. Our January Town Council meeting had a very important agenda item to act on–  the new Town Hall. More than 50 showed up to observe the meeting. Here are the highlights:  …

Special Montreat Minute

January 10, 2019

  Just a reminder that the January Town Council meeting will be held tonight, Thursday, January 10 at 7:00pm in the WalkUp Building. The primary agenda item is a discussion and possible action on the new Town Hall design. Please come and be a part of the discussion. Click Here to download the design drawings…

Montreat Minute for January 4

January 4, 2019

Town Council Meeting: Thursday, January 10 Next Thursday’s Town Council meeting will not be your “ordinary” meeting. Instead, plans for the new Town Hall will be presented and acted on by the Council. Floor plans, elevation plans and a special color rendering will be presented by the architect and builder along with all other details…

January 10 Town Commission Meeting

January 3, 2019

Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 10th for the January Town Council Meeting.  The Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m.  The meeting packet may be found bu CLICKING HERE.

Montreat Minute for December 28

December 28, 2018

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a special and meaningful Christmas. Now we wish you a New Year full of hope.   Holiday Schedule The Town offices will be closed on Tuesday, January 1, but normal sanitation pickup will occur on Monday, December 31.   January Shift for Leaf Pick Up Just a reminder…

Having trouble contacting the Town?

December 27, 2018

The Town of Montreat has experienced domain issues between December 24th and December 27th.  This effected  our website and email addresses.  Any emails received between this time period were not received and are unfortunately not recoverable.  This issue has since been corrected and all emails are being received in a timely manner.  We are sorry…

Montreat Minute for December 14

December 14, 2018

Mayor’s Summary of the December 13 Town Council Meeting Greetings Snowy Montreaters!   After nearly 18” of snow dumped here in our cove, a hearty group of Montreaters convened for the December Town Council meeting. Given the weather conditions, we were most grateful for the folks who came out to observe and provide their comments…

Mayor’s Summary of the December 13, 2018 Town Council Meeting

December 14, 2018

Greetings snowbunnies!   After nearly 18” of snow dumped here in our cove, a hearty group of Montreaters convened for the December Town Council meeting. Given the weather conditions, we were most grateful for the folks who came out to observe and provide their comments during public comment periods. And thanks to Mary Standaert for…

Curbside Pickup Again Delayed

December 12, 2018

Due to lingering ice from Winter Storm Diego Montreat Sanitation Services are unable to resume curbside pickup today. Curbside pickup will again be delayed, tentatively rescheduled Thursday, 12/13/18.

Curbside Pickup to Resume Wednesday, December 12th

December 10, 2018

Curbside trash and recycling pickup will resume on Wednesday, December 12th. Please have your trash and recycling at the curb by 8:00 A.M. and remember to tie your bags.

Curbside Pickup for Monday, December 10th Delayed

December 9, 2018

Due to weather and road conditions, curbside trash and recycling for Monday, December 10th will be postponed. The Town of Montreat offices will also be closed. Public Works and Public Safety personnel will continue to work around the clock.    

Montreat Minute for December 7

December 7, 2018

Don’t Miss the December Town Council Meeting Plan to come Thursday, December 13, at 7:00 in the Walkup Building for the December Town Council Meeting. The Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m.   Snow and Ice Alert! We’re anticipating snow and ice this weekend and leading into early next week. Town staff will be busy…

A Message from the Mayor About Winter Storm Diego

December 7, 2018

A Message from Mayor Tim Helms About Winter Storm Diego:   “Fellow Montreaters, We are all aware of the predicted winter storm that is expected this weekend. Forecasters are predicting significant snowfall and some chance of ice and power outages. Power outages need to be reported by phone to Progress (Duke) Energy. With all this in…

December 13th Town Commission Meeting

December 6, 2018

Please join us on December 13, 2018 for the Town Council Meeting, which will be held in the Walkup Building.  The Public Forum will begin at 6:30 p.m. The regular meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. See the agenda packet by clicking HERE.

Montreat Minutes for 11/30/2018

November 30, 2018

The Town of Montreat Welcomes Two New Staff Members Please join us in welcoming Darlene Carrasquillo and Kaila Gant to the Town of Montreat team. Darlene (left) began as the Finance Office in October. She comes to us from the University of North Carolina Asheville with a broad background in public and private sector accounting.  Kaila…