Update From July 12, 2018 Town Council Meeting

Mayor’s Summary of the July 12 Town Council Meeting

Greetings fellow Montreaters,

Despite heavy rain and a somewhat unexciting agenda (lots of budget amendments), there was quite a turnout for the meeting. We’re grateful for the community support.

Here are the highlights of the meeting:

  • Public Forum questions/comments included:
    • The Montreat “address” issue: no resolution yet but discussions have been happening with the Post Office, Board of Elections, and even inquiries with Google. It is slow work and won’t be easily resolved. We’ll keep you informed of progress
    • Inquiry about financial support from MRA and the College; MRA makes annual gifts to the Town. The College has not been able to do so. However, both organizations provide significant contributions beyond financial through the value of their activities, amenities and programs and are indispensable in bringing vitality to Montreat. We’re grateful for the partnership between us.
    • Concern about dead tree removal: The Town is responsible for all trees on public land. If you see a dead or dying tree anywhere, call the Town office (669-8002) and staff will come to investigate and take appropriate action.
  • Town Administrator Alex Carmichael gave an update on the impact from Hurricane Alberto flooding. Estimated damage is currently $184,000, but we expect to be fully reimbursed by FEMA and the State. Please be patient as staff and contractors continue to repair damage. It will take a while.
  • Alex also reminded everyone that the physical size of Montreat increased several weeks ago when the Town Hall property was officially transferred from Black Mountain to Montreat!
  • I offered appreciation to the Cottagers for their successful meeting last week and the generous check they gave to the Town for the Code Red program. They make the Code Red program possible.
  • And, appreciation certainly goes to the Town Staff for all their work during and after the Alberto flooding. They went above and beyond. Please thank them when you see them.
  • The Tree Board presented the Montreat Tree Management Plan, which is a very impressive body of work outlining everything imaginable about trees in Montreat, including a history overview, tree inventory, planting guide, and information about what to do about fallen trees. Many thanks to Ann Vinson and the Tree Board for their hard work.
  • Town Hall updates include:
    • The Request for Qualifications for a design/build firm was revised and redistributed. We expect more and varied bidders as a result of the revision. Thanks to Montreater Jim Williamson for his invaluable help in the revision.
    • The projected time line is as follows:

July 27 Proposals from Design/Build firms are due

July 30 Council will open the proposals and begin studying them for finalists

Aug 10 “Short list” of 3 candidate firms will be decided upon and invited to present

Aug 27 Presentations will be complete and Council will select the best firm to design and build the Town Hall

September Final public input session (actual date to be announced) led by Design/Builder architect

Fall Construction begins

Aug 31 2019 Town Hall is completed!

    • Posting of the Owner’s Representative position to oversee the Town’s interests in the construction process is happening next week
  • The Texas Road Bridge Aesthetics Committee continues to meet in its planning for the pedestrian bridge renovation. Please check the Town website for meeting dates and, of course, meetings are open to the public.
  • Other highlights include:
    • Speaking of Texas Road, the Texas Road repaving will begin after the conference season ends, starting with new waterlines laid
    • Montreat College student parking plans have been worked out between the College, MRA and the Town. Expect a better situation.
    • Please thank our local state delegation for their help in the de-annexation/annexation issue with the state legislature.
    • What’s going on in Montreat? Do you know? Sign up for the Sunshine List to get periodic emails about the Town of Montreat’s happenings. Email here to be added to the list!

Please let me know if you have any questions or topics you’d like to discuss. Write me at [email protected]or call me at 828/669-3852. I’d love to hear from you. Have a safe summer.

Thanks for your trust in us,

Mayor Tim Helms on behalf of the Town Council

Here is a listing of the formal actions taken by the Commission at the meeting:



Don’t Trash It, Recycle It!

Did you know Montreat makes it easy to recycle, helping our environment and reducing waste? Recyclables are collected at curbside on the same schedule as your regular trash. Simply purchase blue or clear bags from area stores and use them for your recyclables. No need to sort, just include it all together. Help us help the earth. Recycle!

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