Montreat Minute 02/04/2022

Montreat Minute for February 4, 2022
Special Public Forum February 10 to Discuss Bears/Dogs/Hunters Issues

The time allotted to the February Public Forum on Thursday, February 10, will be expanded in order to have a community discussion and presentation about the bears/dogs/hunters problem that was addressed at the January Town Council meeting. Instead of beginning at 6:30pm, the Public Forum will begin at 6:00pm.
Captain Andrew Helton, District 9 Captain of the Law Enforcement Division of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, will be our guest to listen to the concerns of citizens and discuss possible solutions as well as safety measures Montreaters can take during bear hunting season in the late fall. All are welcome to attend.
Town Council Meeting Thursday, February 10, at 7:00pm

The Montreat Town Council will meet for its monthly meeting next Thursday, February 10, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall. For a copy of the agenda, CLICK HERE. It is an open meeting but please wear a mask, which will be available. The meeting will be live streamed and recorded. For information about streaming the meeting, CLICK HERE. The Public Forum, as mentioned above, will begin at 6:00pm instead of its usual time of 6:30pm. Everyone is invited.
NC Homeowner Assistance Fund Now Available
The NC Homeowner Assistance Fund was established through the 2021 American Rescue Plan to prevent mortgage delinquencies, defaults, displacements, and foreclosures for homeowners experiencing financial difficulties due to the coronavirus pandemic. Assistance of up to $40,000 is available for qualified homeowners as long as funding is available.
For more information, including eligibility and what the fund covers, CLICK HERE.
Did You Know?

Many are familiar with the Girls’ Club (built in 1916) and the Boys’ Club (built in 1925) buildings, both constructed by MRA for youth activities. The women also had a building, the Winnsborough Building (built in 1917) which provided an office for the Women’s Auxiliary (which paid for the building) and plenty of space for social gatherings.
However, few people know that there was also a Men’s Club. The building was constructed in 1919 and paid for not by MRA but by the men themselves. It offered a comfortable parlor with a fireplace, a small library, a large porch overlooking Flat Creek, and even a small bowling alley. On rainy summer days the bowling alley was especially popular not with the men but with the budding club program for young people. The men did not use the facility as much as perhaps they had thought they would. So it was turned over to MRA to serve as an activities building. It soon became too small for club activities.
In 1940, it was torn down and replaced by the building currently known as The Barn. The wooden floor was ideal for skating and square dancing. A small stage offered the opportunity for club skits and singing on rainy days. In the late1950s, the fireplace end of the building was walled off and became the craft shop. Shortly after the completion of McAlister gymnasium in 1954, skating was moved to the gym basement. When the craft shop outgrew its end of the building, the wall was removed and today the Barn is the home of the beloved weekly Friday Night Barn Dance.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!