Town Staff Member Contracts Break-Though Infection
A member of the Montreat Town staff has contracted a breakthrough infection of Covid-19. They developed what they thought were allergies on Thursday, October 14th, when there was both a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and a Board of Commissioners meeting. They worked through Monday but felt progressively worse. After work Monday they got tested for Covid-19 and it came back positive. This is a breakthrough infection, as the employee has been fully vaccinated.
Administration became aware of the situation the night of Monday the 18th. People that were known to have been in close contact with the individual were called immediately. This included staff, members of the Board of Commissioners, and Planning and Zoning Commission.
Town Hall was closed on Tuesday because all of the staff were scheduling Covid-19 tests. When tests were scheduled was based on when employees had close contact with the individual. Some staff, who had more recent contact, are still waiting to be tested. Most of the staff have been tested and all the results have come back negative.
The Board of Adjustments meeting today will not be affected. The Board has not had contact with the individual, and the staff that will be present have all tested negative.