Montreat Minute 07/16/2021

Town Receives Confirmation on Relief Funds

Earlier this year, we received word that all NC municipalities would be receiving COVID relief funds to partially make up for lost revenue and other pandemic losses. Mayor Helms received confirmation earlier this week from Governor Cooper that we will receive $277,267 in American Rescue Plan (ARP) relief. There are very specific purposes and uses of the funds.

One portion of the funds will be applied to “revenue replacement”, which is replacing tax income that fell short during the pandemic due to the economic impact of the pandemic. We ordinarily receive tax income from sales taxes, gasoline tax, and other similar sources, all of which were negatively impacted during the pandemic. There are no restrictions on the use of revenue replacement funds. The remainder will be for designated projects such as water, stormwater, social service programs, cyber security, and other specified categories. We will keep you informed as we receive additional information and the Board of Commissioners makes decisions as to the use of funds.

John Casper Space Flight Update on Wednesday, July  21

Former astronaut and Montreat’s own John Casper will offer a “Space Flight Update” on Wednesday, July 21 at 2:30 in Graham Chapel. John will be touching on his experience as a Shuttle Commander and giving us an exciting update on the current state of human space flight. Don’t miss it. Refreshments will be served immediately afterward.

The final Summer Club activity will be a picnic on Wednesday, July 28 at 6:00pm. It will be held in Gaither Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish to share.

Please Watch Your Speed

Just a reminder that the Town-wide speed limit is 20 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. Portions of Assembly Drive are 30 mph, but only for short distances out of the central Town area. We have seen a significant increase in traffic (vehicle and foot) this summer season. Unfortunately, higher rates of vehicle speed are also a part of the increase. Montreat Police are on patrol to ensure the safety of all. Thanks for helping keep Montreat safe.

Cottagers Annual Meeting, July 24

The Cottagers Annual meeting will be held on Saturday, July 24th in Upper Anderson at 10:00am. Please come to hear updates on many subjects and to renew old acquaintances.

Updates and Reminders

  • Please remember to lock trash containers and do not put out trash for pick up until Monday morning. Bears are still roaming around Montreat and seem to be quite hungry. Don’t tempt them with a possible meal.
  • The Montreat Tree Board will meet on Tuesday, July 27 at 9:30am in the Town Hall. The meeting will be streamed. More information on streaming instructions next week or check the Town website (


Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a fun Montreat Weekend!