Meeting Notice: Board of Adjustment, Thursday, November 4th.

The Board of Adjustment continued its 10/28/21 meeting until this Thursday. The motion was to continue the meeting at 12:00 PM. However, the room was not available until 4:00 PM. So the Board of Adjustment will meet on the steps of Gaither Hall at 12:00 PM for the sole purpose of recessing the meeting until 4:00 PM. There will be no presentations at 12; but the business meeting will be at 4:00 PM.

The Board will meet on Thursday, November 4th at 4:00 PM.

The purpose of the public hearing is as follows: a Special Use Permit (SUP) for 309 Collegiate Circle for a 40-room hotel and site improvements.

COVID-19 safety precautions require that in-person attendees wear a mask at all times when indoors. This meeting will also be available via Zoom:

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