Montreat Minute 06/2/23

Summer Programming Begins in Montreat 

“Unofficial summer” begins this weekend at Montreat. The first summer conference begins Sunday while other activities like Clubs, Pottery & Crafts, public hikes and so much more begin on Monday. CLICK HERE to sign up for weekly issues of This Week in Montreat.

But with summer activities abounding, several precautions are important to remember:

  • Watch your Speed: There will be significantly more people on sidewalks and walking in roads. Please remember that the town wide speed limit is 20mph, except for the first portion of Assembly Drive. Many of our roads hardly support a 20mph speed limit due to their narrowness, curves and road conditions. So please slow down this summer.
  • Beware of Bears: In last week’s Montreat Minute, there was a special feature on bears and how to deal with bear encounters and waste disposal. CLICK HERE to read the special issue. It seems that most Montreaters know what to do when encountering a bear. But guests and visitors may not. Please instruct your guests and visitors about not approaching bears and what to do if one approaches them and please explain trash disposal rules. There appears to be a larger bear population wandering around Montreat this year, and we do not want to have any bear related injuries.

Town Council Meeting June 8 at 7:00pm

The Montreat Town Council will meet for its monthly meeting next Thursday, June 8th, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall. The agenda includes a Public Hearing on the 2023-2024 Town Budget. For a copy of the agenda, CLICK HERE. The meeting will be live streamed and recorded. For information about streaming the meeting, CLICK HERE. The Public Forum will begin at 6:30pm. All are invited to attend and participate.

George Beverly Shea Inducted into NC Music Hall of Fame

The North Carolina Music Hall of Fame announced last weekend that Montreater George Beverly Shea will be inducted into the 2023 Music Hall of Fame class on October 19. Shea was an important member of the Billy Graham Crusade team for many years, leading music and singing a special solo prior to Dr. Graham’s message. Dr. Shea was a part of the first Billy Graham Crusade in Charlotte in 1947. He continued to be a part of the ministry team traveling the world with Dr. Graham, earning him the unofficial title of “the first international singing ‘star’ of the gospel world.” He retired to Montreat, where he lived on Kanawha Drive until his death in 2013 at the age of 104.

What follows is the NC Music Hall of Fame’s induction description of Dr. Shea:

“First singing for Billy Graham in 1944, George Beverly Shea carried the gospel in song to every state in the Union and to every continent of our world. As the musical mainstay in the Billy Graham Crusades, Shea was often called “America’s Beloved Gospel Singer.” Shea received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Recording Academy in 2011 and in 1966 he won a Grammy Award for Best Gospel or Other Religious Recording. He is most recognized for the songs ‘I’d Rather Have Jesus’, ‘The Wonder of It All’ and ‘How Great Thou Art’.”

Landcare Needs Your Help with Flat Creek Crossing

Are you familiar with Montreat Landcare Committee’s latest project, Flat Creek Crossing? It is a welcome initiative for Montreaters and guests. Flat Creek Crossing will transform an unused road near the gate into an accessible “all persons” trail. In addition to creating an accessible trail to the creek, it will improve stormwater control measures and habitat protection on Flat Creek. There will be education stations along the trail highlighting natural features and educating about stormwater management.

The project was approved by the Town Council, and Landcare recently submitted a grant application to the state for a portion of the funds to build the trail.

How can you help? Come join the work crew on June 8, 9 and 10, from 9:00am to noon at the trail site by the Montreat Gate.  Work includes moving rocks, pulling invasives and labeling plants and trees. Bring work gloves and basic tools, water and snacks. Warning: be prepared to work around poison ivy. For more details, contact George Sawyer at 803/371-2524 or Patti Pyle at 262/573-8242.

Secondly, save the date of Wednesday, July 5th, from 5:00 to 6:30pm for a “Tour the Trailsite” kickoff event. Come view the plans for Flat Creek Crossing, tour the location of the trail and accessible trail features, enjoy refreshments, meet your neighbors, and have fun. More to come about this event.

Updates and Reminders

  • The Montreat Landcare Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 7th, at 9:00am, in the Town Hall Community Room. The meeting will be live streamed, CLICK HERE for streaming instructions. All are invited to attend.
  • The Town Council has approved a preliminary budget for Fiscal year 2023-2024. A public hearing will be held on June 8th, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall Community Room to discuss the budget. All are welcome to attend and speak. A copy is available on the website by CLICKING HERE.

Questions or Comments?

Do you have Town-related questions or comments to offer? If so, please send them to Angie Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a great weekend!