Montreat Minute 03/18/22

Montreat Earns Tree City Award for Seventh Year
The Town of Montreat earned Tree City USA status from the national Arbor Day Foundation for the seventh consecutive year. Montreat is one of 3,600 communities across the USA to achieve this designation. Arbor Day Chief Executive Don Lambe stated, “We are thrilled that Montreat takes pride in creating a community that places unique value on the planting and caring of trees.”
Montreat achieved Tree City USA recognition by meeting four program requirements:
- Having an active tree board
- Having a tree-care ordinance
- Having an annual community forestry budget
- Having an annual Arbor Day observance and proclamation
“In Montreat, trees mean so much to us,” stated Mayor Tim Helms. “The beauty of our trees and forests is what makes Montreat Montreat. We understand the importance of stewardship that is required to positively affect our cove’s ecosystem and beauty.”
Watch for the Tree Board’s announcement of Montreat’s Arbor Day celebration later in the spring.
Board of Adjustment Meeting Highlights

The Montreat Board of Adjustment met for a special called meeting on Wednesday, March 16. Among other business, the Board heard arguments related to appeals filed by two parties related to a decision made by the Town’s zoning administrator during the Special Use Permit (SUP) hearing. Attorneys representing the town, the Mountain Retreat Association (MRA), and the two appealing parties presented their cases. After nearly two hours of testimony, the Board of Adjustment voted 6-1 to dismiss the appeals presented before them.
At this point, the opposing parties have 30 days in which they can submit an appeal of the Board’s decision on the Special Use Permit to State Superior Court. The Board’s role in the SUP has been completed.
Did You Know?

The Alba Hotel, which opened in 1907, was a much needed addition to lodging in Montreat. Conferences were growing in size. The Hotel Montreat and the many boarding houses could not meet the demand for space. To meet the need, the Alba Hotel was conveniently located overlooking the lake on what is now the present site of Howerton Hall on the College campus.
Timber for the hotel was cut on Montreat property and hauled by a yoke of oxen to the saw mill that was near the front of present-day Anderson Auditorium. When built, the Alba Hotel had sixty-five rooms and a large dining room, but no lobby or private baths. The hotel underwent several renovations over the next few decades until it burned in 1945.
Updates and Reminders

- The Montreat Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will meet on Monday, March 21st at 10:00am in the Town Hall Community Room. The meeting will be streamed and all are welcome to attend. Streaming instructions are available by CLICKING HERE.
- The Montreat Tree Board will meet on Tuesday, March 22nd at 9:30am in the Town Hall Community Room. The meeting will be streamed and all are welcome to attend. Streaming instructions are available by CLICKING HERE.
- The Board of Adjustment will meet on Thursday, March 24th, at 5:00pm in the Town Hall Community Room. The meeting will be streamed and all are welcome to attend. The agenda and streaming instructions are available by CLICKING HERE.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!