Montreat Minute 10/23/2020

Don’t Miss Bulk Pickup this Tuesday, October 27

Remember to place your bulk Items/white goods curbside for pick up this Tuesday, October 27th.  For more information about items for bulk pick up, CLICK HERE. Take advantage of this free service (except mattresses and box springs- $5 each) offered by the Town. The next bulk pick up will be July 2021.

Cub Scouts Learn About Montreat Government

Two Cub Scout Dens from Christ Community Church Pack 50 enthusiastically took over the Town Hall Council tables and seats earlier this week to learn how the Town government works. Eight Cub Scouts and their parents were greeted by Mayor Tim Helms and Commissioner Tom Widmer and were led to the Council’s seats, where they seemed quite comfortable!

Mayor Helms began by explaining the role of the Town Council in the government of Montreat. Tim spoke about some of the key issues we face, such as stormwater, tree management, Flat Creek health, COVID-caused financial issues, and even living with the bears. The boys were not bashful with the microphones and were quick to ask questions, with the two top subjects being what it is like to be Mayor and tree issues. Their favorite parts of the evening- the microphones, the speaker phone on the conference room table, and Alex Carmichael’s desk, which raises and lowers with the push of a button. Keep your eyes on these future government (and tech) leaders!

Seeking Your Thoughts on Stormwater Management

The Town is working with the Land of Sky Regional Council (LOSRC) and Blue Earth Planning, Engineering and Design to develop a steep-slope stormwater management concept plan to help address flooding and infrastructure damage. LOSRC and Public Works have completed a stormwater system inventory, and Blue Earth has completed a stream assessment. Both tasks are inputs to the plan along with stream monitoring, which is being conducted by Montreat College professor Joshua Holbrook and his students.

We are also seeking your input on any issues you notice during or after it rains. Please take a few minutes to fill out and complete this three question survey:

Fall Means Beautiful Colors and Being FireWise

Montreat in the fall is a joy to experience with all the leaves and the colors of the season. However, those beautiful leaves are falling to the ground, which is a call for us to collect them and reduce the danger. Leaves are major fuel for the spread of fire. Be quick to rake and blow – and fill those compostable paper bags. The Town picks up bagged leaves every other Wednesday.  Simply place them along the road at your curb. Let’s all work to reduce the risk of wildfires in our special community. 

Chestnut Trees Return to Montreat

As mentioned in last week’s Montreat Minute, a ceremony was held on Tuesday to mark the start of a new era- a rebirth of the American Chestnut tree in Montreat. Ann Vinson, Chair of the Town of Montreat Tree Board, welcomed 20 members of the Town and surrounding community to a ceremonial planting of one of four American chestnut seedlings. Montreat Mayor Tim Helms and Environmental Commissioner Alice Lentz nestled one of the seedlings in a location on Moore Field. Samantha Bowers, Grant Manager for The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) gave a brief history and shared the importance of the American chestnut in WNC, and presented an interpretive sign to the Town which will be placed in the pocket park adjacent to the Town Hall.

In addition to the Town Hall and the Moore Field locations, seedlings have been planted at the gate – one on the hill and one at the top of the hill. All the seedlings are being protected from wildlife (both the 2 footed and 4 footed varieties).

The Town’s Tree Board and Public Works Department will continue to monitor the seedlings and plan for public educational events. Both Town entities look forward to future plantings and restoring more chestnuts to the valley.

Tree Trimming Continues

As announced two weeks ago, seasonal tree trimming and removal has begun. Acting on behalf of Duke Power, the Asplundh Tree-care Company and ECI (another Duke Energy subcontractor) identified trees on Town public property and in the community that pose threats to power lines. As winter approaches, caring for these trees and addressing these threats are important. The tree removal and trimming is primarily located along Assembly Drive and Lookout Road. Any trees identified on private property will not be trimmed/removed without written permission of the home-owner. Please contact Town staff at 828/669-8002 x1 if you have any questions.

Other Important Information

  • The Planning and Zoning Commission met Thursday, October 22. If you are interested in viewing the streaming video of the meeting, please CLICK HERE.
  • The Montreat Tree Board will be meeting virtually on Tuesday, October 27. Please CLICK HERE for information about joining the meeting via Zoom.


Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Stay well and have a great weekend.