Montreat Minute 10/16/20
American Chestnut Tree Planting October 20
At the request of the Tree Board and the Town Council, Town Hall Landscape Architect Joel Osgood worked to obtain four chestnut tree seedlings for the Town of Montreat from The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF). After conversations with the Tree Board, Public Works Director Barry Creasman and PW staff member Daniel Wiggs, the Town’s two ISA certified arborists, pulled soil samples from various locations in the Town to ascertain the best locations for planting. Each location has soil and other growing conditions that should help the trees establish themselves and flourish. Each location is visible to the public and visitors to Montreat.
One seedling will be in the Town Hall pocket park near Flat Creek. It will be complemented with an educational sign focusing on the importance of the species to the area and efforts being undertaken to restore the American chestnut. In addition to the Town Hall, seedlings will be planted at Moore Field and the gate – one on the hill and one at the top of the hill.
Please join us on Tuesday, October 20 at 10:30 am, rain or shine at Moore Field for the ceremonial planting of the American chestnut and the first step in restoring this iconic species to the Montreat valley.
Join the “Gardeners of Weedin’”
The Town Hall grounds could use your help! Susan Holcomb is organizing the “Gardeners of Weedin’”– a group of citizens to prune, weed, plant and maintain the Town Hall grounds. This fall they will be weeding and making plans for the spring. Additional volunteers are needed. If you are interested in being a part of this important effort, please contact Susan at 828/231-2293 or [email protected].
Bulk Pickup is Coming October 27
Remember to place your bulk Items/white goods curbside for pick up on Tuesday, October 27th. For more information about items for bulk pick up, CLICK HERE. Take advantage of this free service (except mattresses and box springs- $5 each) offered by the Town. The next bulk pick up will be July 2021.
Other Important Information
• The lower portion of Virginia Road will be closed today, Friday, October 16, for a period of time to remove a tree at 118 Virginia. Please watch for signs and drive carefully.
• The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Thursday, October 22, at 10:30am. Check the website for Zoom participation information.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay well and have a great weekend.