Montreat Minute 07/03/2020

Montreat Minute for July 3, 2020
New COVID-19 Restrictions in North Carolina

NC Governor Roy Cooper announced new coronavirus restrictions last week. Originally June 26 was scheduled to be the day to begin Phase 3 of reduced restrictions. But due to a significant spike in COVID-19 related infections in the state, the Governor has delayed Phase 3 until at least July 17. Additionally, everyone is required to wear face masks when out in public where social distancing is not possible.
The mask mandate applies to people who are within 6 feet of non-family members and applies indoors and outdoors to everyone 12 and over. Exemptions include those with health issues that a mask could affect. Previously, masks were recommended but not mandated. Group gatherings are still limited to 10 indoors and 25 outdoors.
Come to the July 4th Town Hall Open House

Come celebrate the new Town Hall on Saturday, July 4th with an Open House tour for everyone. Self-guided tours will be available from 10:00am to 1:00pm, with a flag raising ceremony at 9:45. Social distancing precautions will be taken with a proscribed tour route, adequate distance between visitors, and mandatory masks. Please keep at least 10’ between those in front of you.
Download the tour map by CLICKING HERE or pick up your copy at the Open House.
Don’t miss this special time to see your new Town Hall!
Bulk Item Pickup Tuesday July 7
Remember to place your bulk Items/white goods curbside for pick up on Tuesday, July 7th. For more information about items for bulk pick up, CLICK HERE. Take advantage of this free service (except mattresses and box springs- $5 each) offered by the Town.
There will be another pick up day in October.
Cottager Directory 2020 Pre-Orders

The 2020 Cottager Directory “Stay in Your Car” purchase opportunity will continue tomorrow, July 4th from 9:00am to 2:00pm after you have toured the Town Hall. Sales will continue Monday, July 6 through Friday, July 10. Stop by the gate from 10 to 1 where volunteers will help you with your purchase. Directories are $25.00 a copy. A check, made payable to Montreat Cottagers’ Inc, or exact change will be appreciated. No credit cards. Social distancing, wearing masks, using hand sanitizer and other precautions will be employed as prescribed by the governor. Follow the signs.
If you are unable to order in person, send an order to:
Montreat Cottagers’, Inc
PO Box 111
Montreat, NC 28757
ATTN: Directory Committee
Include the number of copies you would like; whether or not you will be able to pick-up your order in person or need to have it shipped; and a check in the exact amount. If your order is to be shipped, please include your address and phone number.
Water Bill Payment Drop Box

With the new Town Hall comes another way to pay your water bill without getting out of your car. There is a new water bill payment drop box on the left curb of the driveway. Drop your payments in the secure box. Or you are still welcome to come in to drop them off with Angie.
Other Important Information
- The July Town Council meeting may be cancelled due to few agenda items. A final decision will be made early next week and announcements will be made via the Montreat Minute and posted to the website.
- The Planning & Zoning Commission will not be meeting this Tuesday, July 7 but will meet July 14 via Zoom. They will be reviewing the overall ordinances and specifically discussing fences and landscaping ordinances. Instructions to join the meeting will be publicized next week.
- A reminder that Friday sanitation pickups have been suspended for the summer. Green and blue Town trash bags are still available for purchase at the new Town Hall.
- Another reminder: remember that the annual Town calendar will not be coming out in July since we switched to a January to December calendar last year. The current calendar shows 18 months and continues through December. Copies are available at the Town Hall.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a safe and distanced July 4th weekend!