Montreat Minute for January 3rd, 2020

Montreat Minute for January 3, 2020
Happy New Year from all of us at the Town and best wishes for a gratifying 2020.
2020 Community Calendar
Several of you have mentioned that you learn about key Montreat events after they are over or too late to enter them into busy calendars. Therefore, we decided to publish a listing of 2020 key happenings in life at Montreat. Please know this list is not exhaustive, so stay informed all year long through the Montreat Minute, MRA Community Announcements, Montreat College website and other sources. We apologize if we have missed any events. Please contact us at [email protected] with any corrections or others that need to be added. This listing will be on our website.
Jan 20 Town Offices closed, MLK Day; Sanitation pickup delayed to 21st
Feb5 Montreat Landcare
Feb 13 Town Council Meeting
Feb 24 Tree Board
March 4 Montreat Landcare
March 12 Town Council Meeting
March 30 Tree Board
April 1 Montreat Landcare
April 3 Daffodil Party
April 9 Town Council Meeting
April 10 Town Offices Closed-Good Friday
April 25 Native Plant Sale
April 27 Tree Board
May 6 Montreat Landcare
May 9 Montreat College graduation
May 14 Town Council Meeting
May 23 Montreat Scottish Society annual meeting
May 24 Kirkin of the Tartans
May 25 Town Offices closed, Memorial Day; Sanitation pickup delayed to 26th
June 6 Montreat Landcare
June 6 First MRA summer conference/Clubs & summer activities begin
June 12 Town Council Meeting
June 23 Tree Board
July 1 Montreat Landcare
July 3 Town Offices Closed-4th of July Holiday
July 4 4th of July Parade and Cottagers’ Barbeque
July 7 Bulk Items/White Good Pickup
July 8/15/ Adult Summer Club Meetings
July 9 Town Council Meeting
July 11 Cottagers’ Summer Meeting
July 25 Adult Summer Club Auction
July 27 Tree Board
Aug 1 Cottagers’ Annual Meeting
Aug 5 Montreat Landcare
Aug 8 Last MRA summer conference ends/Clubs end/most summer activities end
Aug 13 Town Council Meeting
Aug 18 Montreat College classes begin
Aug 24 Tree Board
Sept 2 Montreat Landcare
Sept 7 Town Offices closed, Labor Day; Sanitation pickup delayed to 8th
Sept 10 Town Council Meeting
Sept 28 Tree Board
Oct 7 Montreat Landcare
Oct 8 Town Council Meeting
Oct 26 Tree Board
Oct 27 Bulk/White Items Curbside Pick Up
Nov 3 Election day for Montreat Council (Mayor and 2 Commissioners) and other local, state and national contests
Nov 4 Montreat Landcare
Nov 12 Town Council Meeting
Nov 23 Tree Board
Nov 26-27 Town Offices closed, Thanksgiving; Sanitation pickup not affected
Dec 2 Montreat Landcare
Dec 10 Town Council
Dec 11 MRA Candlelight Dinner
Dec 24-25 Town Offices closed, Christmas; Sanitation pickup not affected
Dec 28 Tree Board
Dec 31 Cottagers’ New Year’s Eve Watch Night Service
Other events, dates to be determined:
- Town Hall ribbon cutting and dedication– likely around July 4
- Montreat College Christmas Concert—typically first Saturday after Thanksgiving weekend
Greybeard Trail Construction Update
As many know, the contractor has been working on Greybeard Trail to repair damage done by Tropical Storm Alberto. Here’s a brief update:

- The detour via Louisiana-Virginia-West Virginia Roads has been in place for several weeks. Please be patient and obey the traffic lights. We promise: they do turn green after 5-6 minutes!
- A good portion of the existing boulder wall between the road and the creek has been removed in preparation for a permanent erosion control solution
- Temporary creek diversion barriers have been installed to protect Flat Creek. We know and realize, as does the contractor, there are issues regarding erosion control and potential infiltration into Flat Creek during this process. The contractor is working to prevent such events.
- Although the contractor has not given us a projected completion date for this phase, we are confident that they will meet their 90 day promise.
Sanitation Pick Up
Over time, we’ve gotten used to when Bill Creasman and his assistants pick up trash and recycling. However, their route and timing have been somewhat altered due to the Greybeard Trail detour. Therefore, to ensure your trash and recycling are picked up, please have everything out by 8:00am on Mondays.
Town Council Meeting Next Week
The January Montreat Town Council meeting will be held, Thursday, January 9, at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. The Public Forum precedes the Council meeting at 6:30. Everyone is welcome. For a copy of the agenda, CLICK HERE. If you can’t make it, stream the meeting live by going to the Town Facebook page: www.facebook/TownofMontreat starting at 6:30pm.
Other Upcoming Meetings
- Montreat Landcare Committee: No January meeting
- Montreat Planning and Zoning Committee, Thursday, January 16, at 10:30am in the Walkup Building
That’s it for now. Have a great weekend.