UPDATE (8/28/2019) Board of Adjustment Special Meeting CANCELLED for 08/29/2019

The Board of Adjustment will hold a Special Meeting on August 29, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the Walkup Building, 300 Community Center Circle, Montreat, N.C. for the purpose of holding a quasi-judicial hearing and deciding (i) the appeal from the Zoning Administrator’s Determination for Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance issued on May 16, 2019, for the property located at 322 Texas Road, Montreat, NC 28757 and (ii) the appeal from the Zoning Administrator’s Determination for an Administrative Approval and Agreement dated September 25, 2018, regarding construction of parking spaces in the Town right-of-way adjacent to the property located at 322 Texas Road, Montreat, NC 28757.