Montreat Minute July 5, 2019

4th of July Quick Recap
Montreat had another successful 4th of July celebration yesterday. It began with more than 200 runners for the Montreat Gait 5K Race. Even a live black bear tried to join in (he was a bit late for the starting gate!). The parade was one of the longest and best in recent memory, and many thanks to all who participated, including our own Montreat Police and Public Works Departments. There’s no question that Montreat is quintessential 4th of July!
Work Begins on the New Town Hall
Perhaps you have noticed the earth moving and grading taking place on the site of the new Town Hall property. Work began earlier this week. More digging will occur to pour the footings, preparing for the foundation. We are still on schedule for a July 2020 completion.
Council Meeting: July 11 The July Town Council meeting wiil be held on Thursday, July 11 at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. As usual, it will be preceded by the Public Forum at 6:30. Please come. All are invited.
Other Community Events
Several other special events occur soon: 1. The Cottager’s Meeting will be held on Saturday, July 6 at 10:00am in Upper Anderson. Among other speakers, Mayor Tim Helms will give an update on Town news and activities. 2. The Montreat Adult Summer Club kicks off its season with two events next week: • Free Movie: July 8 UNBROKEN: Path to Redemption. Come to the Presbyterian Heritage Center at 2:30pm to see this sequel to Angelina Jolie’s “Unbroken” movie about Louis Zamperini and his story as an Olympic athlete, World War II hero and POW. This movie picks up where the first ended, showing Louie’s difficulty at returning to society and his conversion at a Billy Graham Crusade. It’s a story of forgiveness and redemption. • Zamperini Program Featuring Will Graham. July 10, 2:30 in Upper Anderson. The program begins with an overview of American hero Louis Zamperini and his unique story, including his relationship with Billy Graham. Dr. Graham’s grandson, Will Graham, will share about his experience playing the role of Billy Graham in the recent Hollywood film “Unbroken: Path to Redemption.” He will also talk about growing up with Dr. Graham and having a famous figure as a grandfather.
Have a great weekend