Montreat Minute May 10, 2019
Hello Fellow Montreaters, We had a long but productive Council meeting. We appreciate the 20 people who came to be a part of the evening’s proceedings. Here are the highlights from the meeting:
• Public Forum questions/comments included:
o Resident Nancy Fletcher asked about the Greybeard Trail retaining wall repairs. Town Administrator Alex Carmichael stated that the next step is an engineering report/recommendations for reconstruction, then commencing construction. Alex did not have a definitive schedule for these two steps. Nancy also asked about transportation plans during the repair process. Alex stated plans were still in process, but using West Virginia is the only real possible solution. Plans will be developed considering the safety of everyone and will be communicated when developed. Read more here.
Phase II Tree Inventory Correction
In the last Montreat Minute, we told you about the Phase II At-Risk Tree Inventory that take place the weeks of June 3 and June 10. The location of the mandatory volunteer training on Thursday, May 16th at 1:00 p.m. has changed. It will now be conducted at the Presbyterian Heritage Center.
Speaking of Trees… Also last week we told you about a webinar presented by the Montreat Tree Board to the North Carolina Urban Forest Council. Ann Vinson, chair of the Tree Board, and Alex Carmichael presented the webinar. Montreat was one of only three towns asked to present about their tree planning and program. We were asked to present because we are new group and because the Tree Board has accomplished so much in just four years of existence. If you would like to see the slides from the webinar, CLICK HERE.
2019-2020 Sanitation Schedule
The 2019-2020 Sanitation Schedule, showing trash, refuse, special pick ups and other important information, will be mailed soon. But, you will notice a change. In the past, we have presented it in our Town fiscal year format: July to June. In so doing, it split up busy conference season in half, making it somewhat challenging to plan. The new schedule will run from July 2019 until December 2020. We will then move back to a 12 month cycle, January to December. We hope this change is advantageous for you. Road Paving Weather has not been cooperating in order to pave roads here in Montreat. Once again, if the weather cooperates, we will begin paving Texas Road early next week, followed by Calvin Trail then Frist Road. Please watch the website ( for road closure information. Have a great weekend!