Montreat Minute February 22, 2019

More Volunteer Opportunities Many thanks to the six people who applied for the recent Planning and Zoning Commission open positions. The Commission is now officially “full”. It is exciting to have such an outpouring of willingness to serve.

There are six current opportunities to serve on the Board of Adjustment, including two regular members, two Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction members representing Buncombe and McDowell Counties (one member must live in McDowell County to serve) and two alternate members. To learn more about the Board of Adjustment, CLICK HERE then click on Board of Adjustment. Montreat Town government depends on the generous volunteerism of its citizens. Please consider submitting an application (CLICK HERE for application) to serve on this important Board.

Help “Montreatize” the New Town Hall The new Town Hall is going to look great! As requested by Montreaters, it will be welcoming and clad with stone and wood on the exterior. It will express the character of Montreat. However, design features that were originally recommended by the architect to further enhance the “Montreat” look weren’t affordable or justified using tax payer money. An effort has been launched to raise funds to add back in some stone features that would add to the look and character of the building. Specifically, the fund raising would add stone floors in the entrance corridors and lobby (like in Gaither), stone on the porch floors and an accent wall of stone on one of the lobby walls (like in Assembly Inn and Gaither). In total, fund raising goal is $50,000. With your help, they can be added back into the plans. By making a tax-deductible gift, you will ensure the Town Hall will be “Montreatized”, capturing the spirit of this special place. CLICK HERE for a brochure about the project. Contact Tom Frist at 828.779.6949 or Bill Scheu at 828.669.2891 for further information or to make your gift. Mr. Frist and Mr. Scheu express their extreme gratitude at the donation that have been given so far!

Public Works Building Update In the fall of 2017, the Town Council voted to build a new public works building behind the MRA maintenance building. The project, a metal building on a cement slab, was funded from reserves. During the last year, the public works staff has done a significant amount of work to clear the area and prepare the site for the new building. They recently completed their preparations. The next step is to prepare and advertise a Request for Engineering Services. We will keep you informed of progress on this important project.

More “Did You Know?” Last month we gave you some interesting facts about Town services. Here are several more:

• Last month, 674 water bills were delivered to Montreat property owners who have water service. The bills added up to $60,563 in water revenues. This is reasonably normal for non-conference season monthly billings.

• There were 24 building inspections in January. All inspections passed.

• The Montreat Police Department often assists other law enforcement agencies when requested. Last month, the Department made 29 assists to other authorities. Thanks to the MPD for their willingness to help when needed. Stay dry this weekend!

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