Mayor’s Summary of the July 11, 2024 Town Council Meeting

Hello Montreaters!

What a 4th of July we had in Montreat! Honestly, I’m still a little tired from the variety of activities all weekend long! I hope you had a great time like Mimi and I did.

Despite the hour earlier start time, we welcomed a dozen or more residents for tonight’s meeting. My summary follows below, but the official minutes will be in next month’s agenda packet. And remember that you can view tonight’s meeting recording by CLICKING HERE.

Public Forum

There were no public comments during the Public Forum.

Council Meeting

  • I thanked staff and volunteers for their work in coordinating the Gate Race, the parade and other 4th of July activities. MRA did a wonderful job with everything relating to the 4th and we thank them for it.
  • Town Manager Savannah Parrish indicated that interviews for Police Chief will begin shortly. She also stated our new interim Chief, Tim Bradley, is doing an excellent job and has committed to staying until a new Chief begins. Savannah also shared the quantity of trash that was processed at the Convenience Center was a HUGE amount of refuse. Public Works worked all weekend trying to manage the quantity of trash. We thank PW for their efforts.

  • Public Comments included:
    • Tanner Pickett, MRA Vice President, offered appreciation to Town staff for their help during 4th of July festivities.
    • Letta Jean Taylor stated that three positions on the Town Council are open in the November election. Candidates must register by July 19th.

  • Administrative Reports
    • Commissioners discussed the various administrative reports and asked that they be reviewed and updated to meet current departmental operations.
  • Old Business
    • The Council discussed the contract with Civil Design Concepts (CDC) for the Texas Road Bridge project. After much discussion, Council asked CDC to clarify certain aspects of the contract within several weeks for consideration by the Council in a special meeting to keep the project moving forward.
    • The Council also discussed the Texas Road Bridge loan with First Bank in the amount of $100,000. In the end, Savannah was directed to work with the bank to prepare a commitment letter outlining terms, including a loan range of loan from $100,000 to $200,000 since we do not yet know what the final estimate is.

  • Under New Business:
    • The Council discussed the idea of a new section in the Town Ordinance suggested by the Tree Board dealing with Right of Way Abandonment regarding tree canopies, loss of open space, and other environmental impacts. After much discussion, it was decided not to pursue the new language for a variety of reasons.
  • Under Commissioner Communications
    • Commissioner Widmer asked Savannah to have the MPD and Public Works watch for illegal signs on Town rights-of-way and remove them, as residents have complained.
    • Commissioner Blake commended Public Works for their efforts in dealing with the trash problem but suggested there be some planning to deal with high volume holidays. He also stated that dog waste is a significant problem and something needs to be done about it. Savannah offered to research pet waste ordinances and report back to Town Council.
    • Commissioner Fouche asked if house numbers are required in Montreat even though we don’t have home mail delivery. Savannah responded that house numbers are required for security and life safety purposes. We will communicate this to residents.

That was it for tonight’s meeting. We appreciate your support and encouragement in the work of our beloved Montreat.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please write me at [email protected] or call me at 828/669-3852.

Mayor Tim Helms on behalf of the Town Council