Montreat Minute 03/08/24
Introducing the Montreat Community Email Listserv!

Come join the newly formed Montreat Community Email Listserv, a private community email group open only to Montreat property owners and residents. It is being offered as a convenient and fun way to connect with fellow Montreaters for conversation, to share information and resources, to request help or advice, to notify about local events and activities, and to contribute to a sense of Montreat community. More than 90 Montreaters have already signed up
The Montreat Community Email Listserv is being sponsored by a small group of resident volunteers, working with Town government, who want to communicate with one another but are tired of other listservs that are outside of our community and don’t have much to do with us as well as other listservs that seem to rant and rave about everything.
Unlike other listservs, the Montreat Listserv will be an inviting and helpful way to communicate. Therefore, we’ve created a few suggested guidelines to follow, including:
- Be kind and respectful
- Be constructive and courteous in both tone and content
- No posts on politics or religion
- No complaining or venting about your neighbors or community government matters
Posts not in keeping with these guidelines will be deleted and repeat offenders will be removed from the list.
Examples of the kinds of posts likely to be seen:
“Does anyone know a really good electrician/plumber/house painter?”
“I am looking for a walking partner for early mornings…any takers?”
“Hi neighbors, I am dividing my 8 Hostas, if anyone wants one, drop me an email.”
“What’s the funniest or weirdest thing that ever happened to you in Montreat?”
“Does anyone have a trustworthy pet sitter that comes and stays in the home?”
“We are going to be out of the country for the month of June, if any of you have friends or family who might like to rent our 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house, let me know.”
“Looking to put together a small bridge group/nonfiction book club…if you are interested, email me.”
“I need a babysitter for the grandkids for next weekend…anyone have a good one?”
To join the Montreat Community Email Listserv:
- Email Susan Wiser at [email protected] and let her know you would like to join. Please provide your Montreat street address in your email.
- She will email you the invitation that allows you to join.
- When you receive the email invitation, click the blue “Accept This Invitation” button at the end of the invitation. This will automatically add you to the group.
Nearly 100 Montreaters have already signed up for the listserv. So come join by CLICKING HERE.
Preparing to Dredge Lake Susan

You may have noticed a boat on Lake Susan recently. These are not recreational boaters. They are scientists who were taking measures and samples from the lake, all of which is part of the preparation for dredging. The heavy work is scheduled for the fall, but preliminary tasks are being done now so that everything will be ready to dredge when the time comes.
MRA is very appreciative of the State of North Carolina for including this project in the state budget. We will keep you informed of timing and progress as fall grows closer.
Be Aware of Stray Dogs

Recently, several stray dogs have been seen wandering around Montreat. We are not sure where they came from or their disposition. They have not caused any harm or trouble, but they are clearly stray. They have been seen near the Public Works building and in the Hightower’s yard on Texas Road. If you see them, contact Town staff at 828-669-8002, x1 or Police dispatch at 828-250-6670. Because they are not familiar, be careful of your own pets and small children.
Town Council Meeting March 14, at 7:00pm

The Montreat Town Council will meet for its monthly meeting next Thursday, March 14th, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall. For a copy of the agenda, CLICK HERE. The meeting will be live streamed and recorded. For information about streaming the meeting, CLICK HERE.
Please Note: As usual, the Public Forum will begin at 6:30pm. There will be a special discussion of the possible honorary street naming of Assembly Drive. Please come and offer your thoughts.
Updates and Reminders

- Board of Commissioners Budget Workshop, March 22, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. in Town Hall
- Do you receive your own copy of the Montreat Minute or know someone who doesn’t? Sign up for the Sunshine List to receive the Montreat Minute and stay “in the know” about the Town’s happenings. CLICK HERE to sign up for the list!
Questions or Comments?
Do you have Town-related questions or comments to offer? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!