Special Montreat Minute 02/20/24

We are very sorry, but an error has been made on your upcoming water bill for the period of January 9 through February 14. When you receive it, you will note that there are no fees for your MSD Treatment Fee or Sewer Line Maintenance Fee. Those two line items, illustrated below, will be missing from your bill, as will the charges.

As a result, your bill likely will be lower than normal given similar consumption. Both fees will be added to your next bill, which will arrive in March. The Sewer Line Maintenance Fee is a flat $14.62 per month while the MSD Treatment Fee is variable, based on your water consumption.

We regret the error and are working on procedures to prevent it from happening again. Should you have questions, please call Town staff at 828-669-8002, ext. 1 or write to [email protected].