Special Montreat Minute 02/14/24

Answer to Voting Question

At last Thursday’s Town Council meeting, Mary Standaert asked an important question referencing the new state law about showing a photo ID for elections, including the upcoming NC primary election on March 5. Considering that Montreat voter registration cards indicate our town address as Black Mountain while drivers’ licenses indicate Montreat, Mary asked if there will be problems at the polling place with the conflicting addresses. Mayor Helms responded that we didn’t have an answer to the question, but would find out.

The Town’s extremely resourceful Clerk, Angie Murphy, went quickly to work and found the answer. She contacted the Board of Elections and was told that poll workers do not check addresses at all. Voters will be asked to present a valid photo ID upon entering the voting facility. They will look at the ID and look at the voter to ensure the photo matches the person trying to vote. As long as you match your ID picture there will not be any issues with voting. 

If you have any other questions or concerns, the Buncombe County Elections Office will have a community live stream this upcoming Friday the 16th at 1 p.m. called “Let’s Talk 2024 Elections: Share Your Voting Questions.”

And for other election information:

  • Click here for more Buncombe County elections resources.
  • Click here for more North Carolina voter resources.

Thanks to Mary for asking the question.