Montreat Minute 2/9/24

Mayor’s Summary of the February 8, 2024 Town Council Meeting
Hello Montreaters!
It may be winter here in Montreat, but an enthusiastic group of 20+ people turned out for tonight’s meeting. My meeting summary follows below, but the official minutes will be in next month’s agenda packet. And remember that you can view tonight’s meeting recording by CLICKING HERE.
Public Forum
- Gary Higgins introduced himself and shared the situation on his Harmony Road property that the Council was to take action on during the Town Council meeting. He reviewed the circumstances and stated he would work hard to have minimal disturbance in constructing the driveway to his property, that there are no other solutions to access his property besides crossing Little Piney Branch.
CLICK HERE to read more…
Opportunities for High School and College Students

The Land of Sky Regional Council (LOS) is offering unique learning opportunities for 11th and 12th graders as well as students of local colleges. The Council is a multi-county, local government, planning and development organization providing technical assistance to local governments and administering projects and programs which benefit the region’s citizens. The Town of Montreat is an active member of the LOS in various ways.
The LOS describes this special opportunity by saying:
As we endeavor to improve educational and workforce attainment outcomes in our four-county region, we recognize the importance of including students in the conversation. We are excited to begin recruiting our second cohort of Student Ambassadors to be part of the Land of Sky P20 Council!
Fifteen to twenty-five of these leadership positions will be available for the spring semester, from each of the following sectors: high school (11th and 12th graders), community college, and university. These opportunities will be ideal for students interested in fields of study including but not limited to government, public service, education, business, psychology, and child development.
Student Ambassador Responsibilities:
- Commit to this opportunity from March through May, 2024
- Attend and participate in P20 meetings and events
- Participate in digital marketing discussing their academic/career journey and experiences in Western NC
- Estimated time commitment: 15-20 (total) hours over the course of the semester
P20 will provide:
- Mentorship and leadership development through public speaking and meeting preparation
- A certificate of completion/participation at the end of the program
- $500 to each Student Ambassador for successful completion of the semester-long program
For more information on this very interesting, educational program and to complete an application, CLICK HERE.
What’s Happening in Montreat This Year?
Between all the entities in Montreat, many events occur throughout the year. We thought you might like to have a Calendar of Events giving dates of some of the many events. Please note that this is not a complete list, but it may help in your planning process. Enjoy the variety of activities in Montreat!
Date | Event | Details |
Mar. 11-15 | Montreat College Spring Break | |
April 12 | Summer Club Daffodil Party | 2:00p-4:00p |
May 4 | Landcare Native Plant Sale | 9:00a-2:00p Moore Field |
May 11 | Montreat College Commencement | |
May 26 | Kirkin of the Tartans | 10:15a Band; 11:00 Service |
June 2-8 | First Youth Conference | |
June 3-7 | First week of Clubs | |
July 4 | Parade, Picnic, Activities | All Day |
July 9 | Town of Montreat Bulk Pick Up #1 | |
July 10, 17, 24, 31 | Summer Club Wednesday Programs | 2:30p Upper Anderson |
July 20 | Cottagers Annual Meeting | 10:00a Upper Anderson |
July 20 | PHC Ice Cream Social | PHC grounds |
July 28-Aug 3 | Last Youth Conference | |
July 29-Aug 2 | Last week of Clubs | |
Aug 20 | Montreat College Classes Begin | |
Fall | Dredging of Lake Susan | |
Sept. 20-21 | MC Homecoming and Family Weekend | |
Sept. 29 | Town of Montreat Bulk Pick Up #2 | |
Oct. 25 | PHC Distinguished Reformation Lecture | 7:30p Upper Anderson |
Nov. 5 | Election Day, including Montreat Council | |
Dec. 4 | PHC Christmas Tea | PHC |
Dec. 7 | Montreat College Christmas Concert | Anderson Auditorium |
Updates and Reminders
- The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Wednesday, February 14th at 10:30am in the Town Hall Conference Room to discuss amendment language to the Stormwater Ordinance. It will be live streamed. CLICK HERE for streaming instructions. The Public is invited.
- Do you receive your own copy of the Montreat Minute or know someone who doesn’t? Sign up for the Sunshine List to receive the Montreat Minute and stay “in the know” about the Town’s happenings. CLICK HERE to sign up for the list!
Questions or Comments?
Do you have Town-related questions or comments to offer? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!