Montreat Minute 05/19/23
Public Works Appreciation Week May 21-27
The Town Council recently passed a proclamation designating next week, May 21-27, as Montreat’s first Public Works Appreciation Week. It is a national recognition week to recognize the importance of public works in our society. However, Montreat has not celebrated it in the past.
Please take time to thank our Public Works staff, including Barry Creasman, Director, as well as Daniel Wiggs, Mike Harrison, Jarod McIntosh and Drew Brown, for the excellent work they do for our town.
Duke Power Working in Montreat
Duke Power is working in Montreat to upgrade their power delivery equipment to provide Montreaters with more reliable service. They are replacing utility poles and upgrading power lines across the town. Please be ready for detours, delays and some inconvenience. However, more reliable service will be our payoff in the end. Thank you for your patience. By the way, Duke is using contractors for some of the work, so not all work trucks will say Duke Energy on the doors.
Report Your Firewise Hours!
It’s time to report your Firewise hours! All those brown bags on the street exclaim that it is time to get busy collecting and disposing of winter debris! Use brown leaf bags available at hardware stores and place the debris bags (leaves, clippings, small sticks) curbside for pick up every other Wednesday. Larger branches, not longer than six feet, are picked up curbside every Wednesday. Please remember to report your hours to Nancy Midgette ([email protected]). Community participation is essential for our renewal as a Firewise community each year. A quick gardening hint: Our mountain laurel is in beautiful bloom! The time to prune is when the blooms are done. Email Nancy if you would like additional pruning tips. |
Did You Know?
An ordained Presbyterian minister, The Reverend Dr. John Mack Walker, Jr., was the senior pastor for First Presbyterian Church of Roanoke Rapids (NC) from 1942 to 1980. A native of West Virginia who spent many years in Montreat, he was, as he commented, “naturally drawn to the ruggedness of people who are part of the mountains.”
Between 1943 and 1998 he hand carved 62 sculptures, 30 of which are now part of the collection of the Presbyterian Heritage Center. Entitled “The Gospel in Appalachian Wood Carvings,” this series presents Gospel stories in both their mystery and their matter-of-factness. Walker based many of the figures on real people that he knew and carved them in 20th century attire. Biblical figures are shown in fresh circumstances, such as Jesus among the rhododendron on an Appalachian peak and Matthew behind a desk in an office building. Pictured here is “The Healing of Bartimaeus,” carved of walnut in 1984. Dr. Walker’s sculptures have been displayed in various museums and featured in news stories. None have ever been sold – only loaned or given away. Feel free to visit this unique collection at the Presbyterian Heritage Center.
Thanks to the Presbyterian Heritage Center, especially Nancy Midgette, for this glimpse from the past. Stop by the PHC for additional Montreat history and so much more. Have an idea for a future “Did You Know?” Let Nancy know at [email protected].
Updates and Reminders
- Please remember to be careful of bears. It seems there is a greater presence of bears this year than in the past. Mothers are very protective of their cubs, so give them wide berth. Because natural food (berries, fruit, nuts) is currently scarce, bears are aggressively roaming and getting into trash containers. Please secure your trash according to the new town ordinances. For further information, contact Town staff at 828/669-8002.
- The Montreat Tree Board will meet on Tuesday, May 23rd, at 9:30am, in the Town Hall Community Room. The meeting will be live streamed, but all are invited to attend in person. CLICK HERE for streaming instructions.
- The Town Council will be meeting for a special budget session on Wednesday, May 24, at 1:00pm, in the Town Hall Community Room. The meeting will be live streamed, but all are invited to attend in person. CLICK HERE for streaming instructions.
- Town Offices will be closed on Monday, May 29th, in observance of Memorial Day. Sanitation services will not occur on Monday, but will resume on Tuesday, May 30th.
Questions or Comments?
Do you have Town-related questions or comments to offer? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!