Montreat Minute 02/3/23
We Want Your Thoughts
Town Council and staff are investigating the feasibility of renting out the Town Hall Community Room for special functions. One aspect of the feasibility is determining community interest in renting the space. Therefore, would you please take four minutes (honestly, that is all it takes!) to complete a survey. The results will help us determine if there is enough interest to proceed with plans and arrangements. Take the survey by CLICKING HERE. Thank you for your help.
Bobcat Sightings
Several sightings of a bobcat have been reported recently in Montreat. They are native to the WNC mountains, just like deer, bear, fox and other animals. Bobcats are shy, solitary and reclusive in nature. They generally weigh between 20-40 pounds. Their distinctives are their “bobbed” tail and tufted pointed ears. They are not necessarily nocturnal, as they are most active at dusk and dawn.
Bobcats are not dangerous to humans. There are virtually no reports of attacks on humans. However, they are carnivores and prey upon smaller species than themselves, such as birds, squirrels and other small animals. Their “prey” opportunities include domestic pets- small dogs and cats. Therefore, follow the following guidelines with your pets, just as you would with bears and other wild animals:
- Keep your dog on a leash when taking walks (it’s a Town law anyway!)
- Don’t allow cats to roam free outdoors
- Don’t leave pets unattended outdoors
- Of course, don’t attract predators with food (this is a Town law also)
Enjoy the fact we live in an area resplendent with wildlife and use common sense in how we co-habitate with them. If you see a bobcat, take a picture and send it to [email protected] and we will share it with others.
Town Council Meeting February 9, at 7:00pm
The Montreat Town Council will meet for its monthly meeting next Thursday, February 9th, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall. For a copy of the agenda, CLICK HERE. The meeting will be live streamed and recorded. For information about streaming the meeting, CLICK HERE. The Public Forum will begin at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited.
Did You Know?
You are probably familiar with the Winsborough building on the hill above Assembly Circle. But did you know that it is the third Winsborough building? The initial building was dedicated in 1917 to serve as the Montreat home for the newly organized Women’s Auxiliary of the PCUS as well as a social gathering place. It was named for Hallie Paxson Winsborough, an instrumental force in organizing the PCUS Women’s Auxiliary (1912) and its first superintendent. The rustic building contained a small office and plenty of social space, including a wrap-around porch with rhododendron rails. It hosted weddings and receptions as well as less formal functions and became such a popular venue that the porch had to be expanded.
By 1960 the building had fallen into considerable disrepair and was replaced by a less interesting but much safer building to be used for the same purpose. By the 1980’s the building site, located on the Montreat College campus, became the ideal location for the new Belk Student Center, which was completed in 1985. However, the heritage of the Women’s Auxiliary and the significance of Mrs. Winsborough was too large to be ignored. Consequently, Groseclose Hall, constructed in 1937 as the World Fellowship Building and funded by the Women’s Auxiliary Birthday Offering that year, renamed in 1978 in honor of Jesse S. Groseclose, was renamed again for Hallie Paxson Winsborough.
Want to know more? An exhibit featuring Hallie Paxson Winsborough and the Women’s Auxiliary will be up in the Presbyterian Heritage Center later this spring.
Thanks to the Presbyterian Heritage Center, especially Nancy Midgette, for this glimpse from the past. Stop by the PHC for additional Montreat history and so much more. Have an idea for a future Did You Know? Let Nancy know at
Updates and Reminders
- The Montreat Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 7th, at noon in the Town Hall Community Room. It will also be live streamed. For streaming instructions, CLICK HERE.
- The Texas Road Bridge Aesthetics Committee will meet on Thursday, February 9th at 2:00 pm in the Town Hall Community Room. It will also be live streamed. For streaming instructions, CLICK HERE.
Questions or Comments?
Do you have Town-related questions or comments to offer? If so, please send them to Angie Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!