Planning & Zoning Meeting Notice & Packet

Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 10:30 a.m.

Zoom Link for viewing:

Agenda Packet can be found here

Town Hall
The Montreat Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Special Meeting on
Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. at Town Hall, 1210 Montreat Road,
Montreat, NC.
The purpose of the meeting is for the Planning and Zoning Commission to review and
make recommendations on two legislative items, as shown below:

  1. Text Amendment, TA-2022-01 – Amendments to the Town of Montreat
    Subdivision Ordinance. Summary: Staff initiated a request on behalf of the Board of
    Commissioners (Mayor Pro Tem Widmer) to revise the Town of Montreat
    Subdivision Ordinance to comply with State Statute revisions, specifically those
    covered in N.C.G.S. 160D, Article 8, and correct and clarify several sections. The
    Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed amendments at the
    Regular Meeting on October 13, 2022 and proposed additional amendments, which
    were incorporated into the materials for this meeting.
  2. Text Amendment, TA-2022-02 – Amendments to the Town of Montreat Wireless
    Communications Ordinance. Summary: Staff initiated a request on behalf of the
    Board of Commissioners (Mayor Pro Tem Widmer) to revise the Town of Montreat
    Wireless Communications Ordinance to comply with State Statute revisions,
    specifically those covered in N.C.G.S. 160D, Articles 1 & 9, remove reference to the
    Preservation Commission, certificate of appropriateness, and to an antiquated
    Montreat Zoning Ordinance section, correct the review and amendment procedure,
    and update and clarify Town staff titles.
    This meeting will be available by Zoom.

Angie Murphy-Town Clerk