Montreat Minute 09/30/22

Preparations for Possible Effects of Hurricane Ian

It appears Tropical Storm Ian will hit east of us, nearer to Greensboro starting Friday afternoon and continuing into the weekend. However, we can expect much rain and significant wind gusts. Here is what the Town staff have been doing in preparation:

  • They have been cleaning storm drains, waterways and removing debris from the creeks in hopes that we can prevent damage to Town infrastructure.
  • They have arranged for a grading contractor, dump trucks and a tree removal service to be on standby to assist the town should the need arise.
  • Public Works and the Police will be monitoring the situation closely. One person from Public Works will be on site monitoring the event starting Friday afternoon. As needed, the entire Public Works team will report to work if the situation requires additional support.
  • We are also working with MRA on monitoring areas around town.
  • The grassy area at the truck bypass by the gate has been designated as a staging area for equipment if the creek threatens the lower Flat Creek bridge by the Town Hall.

What You Can Do:

  • Ensure loose items like trash cans, lawn chairs, yard art, flags, and similar objects are secured from the winds.
  • Clear your gutters and stormwater pathways of any debris.
  • If you see clogged storm drains, flooding, mudslides, downed trees or other safety related issues, please call 828-250-6670 to report them.
  • Stay in your homes. If you must get out to drive, do not drive through flooded roads.
  • Keep cell phones, electric flashlights and other equipment charged.
  • Be aware of what’s to come by visiting or local news outlets.
  • Stay safe and use common sense.

Special Town Forum on Monday, October 16

The Montreat Board of Commissioners will host a Town Forum on Monday, October 17, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. The purpose of the forum is to provide Montreaters with information about provisions that Commissioners and staff have made to better control activity related to bear hunting. New ordinances controlling hunters and dogs and protecting Montreaters are being acted on by the Town Council. Additionally, other actions have been taken by the Town to help make Montreat a safer place to live, work and visit during bear hunting season.

You Are Invited

The Presbyterian Heritage Center cordially invites you to its second annual Distinguished Lecture on the Reformation, which will be held at 7:30pm on Saturday, October 15, 2022, in Anderson Auditorium. The 2022 Distinguished Lecture will be presented by Dr. Martin Dotterweich, chair of the Department of History and Political Science at King University, where he also serves as a Professor of History and Director of the King Institute for Faith and Culture. The title for Dr. Dotterweich’s lecture is Reformation in Scotland and Presbyterian Reformers in the American Colonies

The Distinguished Lecture on the Reformation was created to further the study and discussion of important topics concerning the Reformation. Please make plans to attend. Admission is free. For further information, contact the Presbyterian Heritage Center at 828-669-6556.

Meet Kayla DiCristina,  Montreat Zoning Administrator

We regularly profile a Montreat Town staff member or Town Council member. This month we are featuring our newest employee, Kayla DiCristina.

The Town’s newest employee already has a love for Montreat. Kayla DiCristina began work at Montreat in August. “I love it,” Kayla said. “I want to be a resource for everyone and share my knowledge.” In less than two months, she has already made a positive impact.

Kayla was born in San Francisco and grew up in Boca Raton. After earning her undergraduate degree from Florida Atlantic University in Urban and Regional Planning, she made her way up to North Carolina. She enrolled at UNC Chapel Hill and completed her master’s degree in City and Regional Planning.

She enjoyed her time in North Carolina enough that after graduation, she became a planner for Person County, north of Durham. She then had a promotional opportunity as a planner in Maryland and headed north. However, she missed North Carolina and her boyfriend (now her fiancé!) and returned to North Carolina. She began working for the Land of Sky Regional Council in Asheville doing economic development work including working with municipalities in WNC. In August, when previous Zoning Administrator, Scott Adams, left his position here, Kayla quickly and excitedly applied for the job. With her depth of experience in municipal planning and zoning, she was a perfect fit for Montreat. As she describes her job,

“I provide home owners and others with Certificates of Zoning Compliance. But the major part of my work is helping property owners navigate through the zoning and general ordinances of the town. I help them understand the development regulations, answering questions like ‘Can I build this?’, ‘How far do I have to be from the property line?’, ‘Do these plans meet Montreat’s codes?’, and many other questions. That’s why I’m here.”

She still works two days per week for the Land of Sky Regional Council in her role of economic development. However, when she isn’t working, she spends time with her fiancé, Colin. They met each other at Florida Atlantic University when both were involved in a tutoring program for underprivileged children. Colin now works for an engineering firm in Marion, which is where they both live. Together they enjoy hiking, kayaking, and spending time in the kitchen, as both are self-admitted “foodies”. In particular, Kayla loves Colin’s home made enchiladas!

In the short time Kayla has been working for the Town, she has learned to love Montreat. “Montreat is a really unique place,” Kayla stated. “I love the relationships I’ve made here and the friendliness of the people. I’m excited to see some of the solutions Montreat has already put in place for the unique challenges it faces—different from Black Mountain or Asheville. I’m glad I’m a part of it.” And we are glad she’s a part of it too.

Stop by and welcome Kayla to Montreat. She works Tuesday through Thursday from 8:00am to 5:00pm and can be reached at 828-669-8002, ext. 3030.

Updates and Reminders

  • A virtual meeting of the Montreat Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will be held on Monday, October 3rd, from 6:00 to 7:30pm. CLICK HERE for streaming instructions.
  • Montreat Landcare Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 5th, at 9:00am in the Town Hall Community Room. Streaming instructions are as follows…click here.
  • Don’t forget: if you have too much trash for your bear proof trash cans or you’re leaving town before normal trash pick up, the Town’s trash and recycle dumpsters are available 24/7. They are located behind the Town Hall, across the Flat Creek bridge. Security is insured, as there are surveillance cameras in place.
  • Know someone who doesn’t receive the Montreat Minute? Tell them to email [email protected] and ask to be put on the Sunshine/Montreat Minute list.


Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a good weekend and stay dry!