Volunteers Needed for Town of Montreat Boards & Committees


Vacancies are now available on both the Town of Montreat Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment. Both boards are Commissioner-appointed volunteer boards.

Planning and Zoning Commission Vacancies

The Planning and Zoning Commission advises the Town of Montreat Board of Commissioners on matters of comprehensive land use and development. This board reviews and makes recommendations on zoning text amendments, rezonings, conditional rezonings, and subdivisions, as well as projects such as the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update.

Meetings are held in The Town of Montreat Town Hall as needed on the second Thursday of January, April, July, and October starting at 10:30 am, unless a special meeting is called by the Chairman. All Board of Adjustment meetings are open to the public, except for matters discussed in Closed Sessions pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318(11). Terms for the Planning and Zoning Commission seats are three years and no member may serve more than two consecutive terms.

An Alternate Town Member seat is currently vacant and available. The applicant for this seat must be a resident of the Town of Montreat and not the Town’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. Alternate members, while welcome at all meetings, shall attend specified meetings and act as regular members of the board in place of any regular member who is unable to attend said meeting or who has a conflict of interest in a case under review as determined by N.C.G.S 160D-109. Alternate members may also fill vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Commission as they arise. Please see available vacancies for the Planning and Zoning Commission below:

  1. Alternate Town Member – No existing term expiration

Board of Adjustment Vacancies

The Board of Adjustment holds evidentiary hearings on and is the decision making body for Zoning Ordinance interpretations, variances, Special Use Permits, and appeals from decisions made by the Zoning Administrator. Meetings are held in the Town of Montreat Town Hall as needed on the fourth Thursday of each month starting at 5:00 pm, unless a special meeting is called by the Chairman. All Board of Adjustment meetings are open to the public, except for matters discussed in Closed Session pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318(11). Terms for the Board of Adjustment seats are three years and no member may serve more than two consecutive terms.

Several seats are vacant and available on this board. Those who hold Regular Town Member seats are expected to attend all scheduled meetings and rule on applications presented before the board, unless a member has a conflict of interest as determined by N.C.G.S. 160D-109. Alternate members, while welcome at all meetings, shall attend specified meetings and act as regular members of the board in place of any regular member who is unable to attend said meeting or who has a conflict of interest in a case under review as determined by N.C.G.S 160D-109. Alternate members may also fill vacancies on the Board of Adjustment as they arise. Please see available vacancies for the Board of Adjustment below:

  1. Regular Town Member*  – Seat becomes available 9/1/22 & term expires 01/31/2024
  2. Alternate Town Member* – No existing term expiration
  3. Regular ETJ Member** – No existing term expiration

* Applicant must be a resident of the Town of Montreat, not the Town of Montreat’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction

** Applicant must be a resident of the Town of Montreat’s Extra Territorial Jurisdiction, and not the Town of Montreat. Applicants interested in ETJ memberships may contact the Clerks to the Buncombe Board of Commissioners by emailing Lamar Joyner at [email protected] or calling 828.250.4105.

To be considered for any of these vacancies, please complete the Board Application Form (click here).