Montreat Minute 06/03/22
Comprehensive Plan Committee Needs Your Input

The Comprehensive Plan Committee has been meeting regularly and expects to complete their update of the Montreat Comprehensive Plan, called “Montreat Tomorrow”, in December. But they need your thoughts and ideas now. There are two important opportunities for which they are seeking Montreater input:
- A Community Survey—the Committee is seeking your opinions on important subjects regarding the future of Montreat. Please take the survey and complete it by June 15. CLICK HERE to take the survey.
- A Community Workshop—the Committee is holding a community workshop on Saturday, June 11th, from 11:00am to 1:00pm in the Community Room at the Town Hall. It will begin with a short presentation followed by group idea activities afterward. Please stop by to give your thoughts about Montreat Tomorrow.
About the Comprehensive Plan Project: “Montreat Tomorrow” is an updated comprehensive plan for the town of Montreat. The future inevitably brings change, but Montreat can ensure that growth is careful and responsible, while preserving the tranquility that makes the community a beloved place today. The plan will be broad and include topics like land use, environment, transportation, and recreation. Montreat Tomorrow will result in short-term actions that respond to current challenges while also preparing for the future with long-term strategies designed to reflect the community’s desires.
Clean Water!

The Town recently published the annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2021. And, once again, we have good, clean drinking water. Read the report by Clicking Here. Find out the sources of our water, what the EPA wants us to know about drinking water, characteristics of our water and much more. Many thanks to our staff responsible for water and water quality, especially Jarod McIntosh and Barry Creasman.
Town Council Meeting Thursday, June 9, at 7:00pm

The Montreat Town Council will meet for its monthly meeting next Thursday, June 9, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall. For a copy of the agenda, CLICK HERE. The agenda includes a Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget (included in the agenda packet) as well as action by the Town Council. Several key points about the budget:
- There is no proposed increase in the tax rate
- There will be no use of reserve funds (our savings account) to finance Town operations or projects
- One of the capital projects included in the budget is the Texas Road pedestrian bridge, phase 1
The Council will also be considering the proposed change in form of government. For more on this subject, see the next story below.
The meeting will be live streamed and recorded. For information about streaming the meeting, CLICK HERE. The Public Forum will begin at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited.
What’s the Change in Form of Government All About?

The Montreat Town Council is considering a change in the form of government as allowed by NC state statute. To learn more about the proposed change, please read the Question & Answer sheet about the issue by CLICKING HERE. If you have further questions, please contact a Town Council member.

Did You Know?

Camp Montreat Part 2 (if you missed Part 1, CLICK HERE)
Camp Montreat grew steadily from its beginning in 1924 with twenty-six campers to host 80-100 campers during the summers. Girls could come for a four-week session but many stayed all summer, which encompassed two, four-week sessions. Increasingly experienced leadership brought more mature programming.
Camp continued throughout the World War II years and prospered even with the departure of long-time director Alice McBride in 1949. Popular outdoor activities included hiking, swimming (all campers were required to learn to swim), canoeing, and horseback riding. Every year campers entered, and often won, local horse riding competitions. Basketball, crafts, and archery also filled many days. Campers were divided into teams for the entire session and healthy competition culminated in a special awards banquet at the end of each summer.
Each day started and ended with vesper services. Throughout its evolution, the camp philosophy always encompassed personal and spiritual growth. Today, women who attended Camp Montreat reflect on what they describe as an amazing opportunity.
Thanks to the Presbyterian Heritage Center, especially Nancy Midgette, for this glimpse from the past. Stop by the PHC for additional Montreat history and so much more!
Updates and Reminders

- The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Thursday, June 9th, at 10:00am, in the Community Room of the Town Hall. CLICK HERE for additional information about the meeting and streaming instructions. The public is invited.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!