Montreat Minute 04/29/22

Mayor Proclaims Municipal Clerks Week

Mayor Helms recently signed a proclamation recognizing and declaring the 53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks Week for the week of May 1-7, 2022. The proclamation recognizes the extremely important work of town clerks, especially our own Angela Murphy.
In the proclamation, the Mayor stated, “[I] extend appreciation to our Professional Municipal Clerk, Angela Murphy and to all Professional Municipal Clerks for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent.” We do appreciate Angie’s dedication and tireless work on our behalf. During the next week, stop by and tell Angie how much you appreciate what she does for our town, or write her at [email protected]. For a copy of the proclamation, CLICK HERE.
What’s the Change in Form of Government All About?

You probably have heard about the Town Council’s discussions and actions moving toward possibly amending the town charter to change the form of government. Although there have been three public discussions and several written documents distributed to Montreaters, it appears there is still a bit of “mystery” about what all this means.
Therefore, next week we will be emailing and posting a Q&A explanation of what this means to Montreat and to you. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about this possible change at the May 12 Public Forum prior to the Town Council meeting. We want to make sure everyone feels informed.
Landcare Hosts Citizen Forum with Guest Speakers

The Montreat Landcare Committee is holding a special meeting on May 4 entitled Rain, Resilience and Repair: Citizen’s Guide to Mountain Watersheds and Stormwater. The purpose of the community forum is to build awareness of mountain stream dynamics. The forum will also provide updated technical information specific to patterns and management of rainfall in the Flat Creek watershed of Montreat with emphasis on recent stormwater studies and emerging patterns of extreme rainfall events.
Speakers include Montreat’s own Bill Seaman, Professor Emeritus, Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida and Mary Roderick, a regional planner with the Land of Sky Regional Council focusing on watershed restoration and stormwater management. Mary received her doctorate from the University of Washington.
The meeting will be held on May 4 at 9:00am in the Town Hall Community Room. It will also be live streamed. Click on the following link to view the meeting:
Montreat’s Newest Employee, Officer Morgan Bocanegra

The Montreat Police Department added a new full time officer to its ranks. Officer Morgan Bocanegra began work on the force approximately one month ago and was recently sworn it as an official MPD officer. Prior to coming to Montreat, Morgan served with the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Black Mountain Police Department. Morgan lives in Old Fort. He will be working the day shift. If you see him on his rounds, give him a warm Montreat welcome.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!