Montreat Minute 03/11/22

Mayor’s Summary of the March 10, 2022 Town Council Meeting

Hello Montreaters,

We had a small but enthusiastic group at our meeting tonight, while others joined by Zoom. If you would like to view the recording, CLICK HERE. Here is a summary of the discussion. Remember you can read the complete, official summary in the meeting minutes that will be published next month.

Public Forum

  • Martha Campbell asked if we had a summary of the Town’s costs for the MRA Special Use Permit hearings. I told her I had signed at least $50,000 in payment checks and we are expecting more. I told her we would get the current expenses and let her know. At the end of the Forum, I received the current amount from staff. To date, we have paid $74,000 in attorney fees, court reporter fees and other directly related expenses. Unfortunately, we anticipate additional expenses to come.

CLICK HERE to read the full meeting summary

Assembly Drive Road Closure

As a reminder, Assembly Drive will be closed to thru traffic from Monday, March 14 through Friday, March 18, from Virginia Road to Louisiana Road. Public Works will be removing dead trees from the Town right-of-way.

Please follow the detour route as indicated in the two maps below. Signage will be in place to aid in navigating the detour. Please abide by the following guidelines:

  • Residents living within the detour on Assembly, Shenandoah, Maryland and Eastminster will be allowed to pass through the road closure
  • Large vehicles such as delivery trucks and school buses will also be allowed to pass through on Assembly
  • Please travel at a slow and safe speed on the detour routes
  • Please follow traffic laws and obey stop signs
  • There are several pedestrian crossings in the detour routes, so please grant pedestrians right-of-way and travel slowly when approaching crossings

Updates and Reminders

  • The Board of Adjustment will have a special called meeting on Wednesday, March 16, at 4:00pm in the Town Hall Community Room. The agenda and streaming instructions are available by CLICKING HERE.
  • The Board of Adjustment will tentatively meet on Thursday, March 24th, at 5:00pm in the Town Hall. The meeting will be streamed and all are welcome to attend. Check the town website ( for confirmation of the meeting date and for streaming instructions.


Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a weather safe weekend!