Montreat Minute for May 7, 2021
Congratulations Montreat College Graduates!
Tomorrow, Saturday May 8, 163 students will graduate from Montreat College, on their way to new life adventures. Fifty-one students will graduate at 10:00am from the School of Adult and Graduate Studies and 112 students will graduate in the afternoon from the School of Arts and Sciences. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, the ceremonies will be closed to the public. However, they will be streamed at . Best wishes to all the graduates.
Chestnut Tree Story Airs
As mentioned in last week’s Montreat Minute, the story about Montreat’s American Chestnut tree restoration aired last Friday on WLOS-TV and a recording of the story can be seen by CLICKING HERE. Representatives from the Forest Service, The American Chestnut Foundation, Dr. Dottie Shuman with Montreat College, and Ann Vinson, Chair of the Town’s Tree Board, were interviewed.
Public Hearing May 13
The Public Hearing to hear residents’ thoughts on the Planning & Zoning Commission’s proposed changes to Zoning Ordinances that was delayed in April will occur next Thursday, May 13 at 7:00pm. Again, due to COVID restrictions, only seven people will be allowed in the meeting at a time. Overflow will be allowed to wait outside and rotate in as needed. However, comments may be submitted via email to [email protected] up to 5:00pm on May 13. The hearing will be streamed live and recorded. For more information about the meeting and streaming instructions, CLICK HERE.
Town Council Meeting Next Thursday, May 13
The Montreat Town Council will meet Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 7:00pm. Given the Governor’s easing of COVID restrictions, the public will be allowed to attend in person. However, due to capacity limitations, only seven people will be allowed in the meeting room at a time in addition to Council and staff. Overflow will wait outside and will be allowed to rotate in as needed. However, as is now the custom, the meeting will be live streamed. For streaming instructions, CLICK HERE. A video recording of the meeting will be available afterward. The agenda packet is available by CLICKING HERE.
The Public Forum will precede the meeting at 6:30pm. Public Forum comments and questions as well as comments for the Council meeting will be accepted by email ([email protected]) until 5:00pm on Thursday, May 13th. When emailing, please indicate “Public Forum Comment/Question” or “Council Meeting Comment” in the subject line.
Updates and Reminders
- The Open Space Conservation Committee will meet May 11, 2021, 3:30 p.m. at Town Hall
- The Planning & Zoning Commission will meet May 13, 2021, 10:30 a.m. by Zoom and limited participation in Town Hall
- Montreat Board of Commissioners Meeting, May 13, 2021, 7:00 p.m. by Zoom and limited participation in Town Hall. Public Forum begins at 6:30 p.m.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay well and have a great weekend.