Proposed Changes to the Zoning Ordinance with Corrected Link

Nearly two years ago the Montreat Board of Commissioners tasked the Planning and Zoning Commission with reviewing and making changes to the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission held numerous meetings and worked diligently to craft recommendations. In November the Planning and Zoning Commission presented a proposed update to the Board of Commissioners, which was discussed in detail at the second Commission retreat in March.

On Thursday, April 8th, the Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. to receive and hear public comment on the proposed changes. A vote on the adoption of the changes will follow. The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom and comments for the hearing will be received at the following email address up until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 8th: [email protected]

You may view the current Zoning Ordinance and the proposed updated ordinance by following the links below.

CLICK HERE to view the current Zoning Ordinance.

CLICK HERE to view the proposed updated Zoning Ordinance.