Montreat Minute for January 8, 2021
Our Montreat wonderland

COVID-19 Vaccinations starting for those 75 and over

We received information yesterday from Buncombe County Health and Human Services that vaccinations for those 75 and over will begin on Monday, January 11. For details of the program, see yesterday’s Special Montreat Minute by CLICKING HERE. PLEASE NOTE: Wehave just received word that all appointments for vaccinations have been filled. More appointments will become available when vaccine allotments are announced from the state. We also received word they have set up online appointment setting. CLICK HERE to go to the Buncombe County Health Department COVID-19 webpage, where online appointments will be available when more vaccines are available.
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
The Planning & Zoning Commission met yesterday to discuss the stormwater ordinance in keeping with their work on that and the steep slope ordinance. The meeting was live streamed and recorded. To access the recording of the meeting, CLICK HERE.
Town Council Meeting Next Thursday, January 14

The Montreat Town Council will meet Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 7:00pm. Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, it will be a virtual meeting only. However, as is now the custom, the meeting will be live streamed. For streaming instructions, CLICK HERE. A video recording of the meeting will be available afterward. The agenda packet is available by CLICKING HERE.
There will be no Public Forum preceding the meeting. However, public comments and questions will be accepted by email ([email protected]) until noon on Thursday. All questions and comments will be read during the Public Comments portion of the meeting.
Updates and Reminders

- Our Public Works team has been quite busy over the past month with various special projects (like plowing snow! Thank you PW) along with their normal work. Therefore, and due to the large numbers of leaf bags filled by residents, their normal Wednesday schedule of leaf bag collection on one Wednesday and stick/brush pickup the next Wednesday has been slowed somewhat. We ask you to please be patient and be assured all will be collected as soon as possible.
- On behalf of our Firewise initiative, led by Nancy Midgette, please keep track of your hours collecting leaves and brush from around your house and email those hours to Nancy at [email protected] so we can receive credit toward the Town’s Firewise certification.
- It seems that dog waste bags being left in Montreat and on the trails is increasing with the increased use of our facilities and trails. The Town Council will be discussing plans to help remediate the problem. But in the meantime, please take your waste bags with you for proper disposal and remind others to do the same.
- Did you receive your 2021 Town Annual Calendar as well as Mayor Helms’ 2020 Town Highlights letter? If not, contact Angie at [email protected] and request copies.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay well and have a great weekend.