Montreat Minute 11/20/20

Let’s Get Those Leaves Up!

It appears most of the leaves are off the trees, which means it is time to get them up and out.  Why is it so important to remove leaves?  Leaves are the #1 fuel source for wildfires.  If they are piled up next to your house, a small spark will start a blaze that can easily transfer to your house.  Additionally, leaves piled up under rhododendron and mountain laurel bushes (which themselves are very flammable) can cause those plants to burn and shoot flames up to the tree canopy, which is how wildfires spread so far, so quickly.  Encourage moss to grow on the ground due to the high moisture content.  As you clear leaves away, please remember to send your hours to Nancy Midgette ([email protected]) so they can be counted in our Firewise Renewal Application.

Check Out the Town YouTube Channel

As part of the new Town Hall features, a high quality video/audio streaming system has been installed in the Community Room to live stream meetings and other functions. We had some technical difficulties at first, but they have since been resolved and the system is working very well. In addition to live streaming, meetings are being recorded and posted on the Town’s YouTube channel. CLICK HERE to access the channel, then bookmark it so you can return to it quickly. Or, go to the website (, scroll to the bottom and click on the YouTube logo. All meetings are archived at that location. Town Council, P&Z Commission, Board of Adjustment and other Town committee meetings are being posted to the channel. Check it out!

Right of Way Parking Claims

We have become aware of the increasing number of “reserved parking” signs placed by residents at their homes but on Town right-of-way property. Many homes without driveways have a Right-of-Way Agreement with the Town for parking, usually on the Town right-of-way. It is against the Right-of-Way Agreement and Town ordinances to claim reserved status for such parking, as the land is public property.

If you have erected reserved parking signs, please remove them so you are not in violation of Town ordinances and agreements. If you are unsure if your parking area is part of the Right-of-Way agreement, please contact Town staff at 828/669-8002, x1 or write [email protected].

Thanksgiving Holiday Notes

With the Thanksgiving Holiday nearly upon us, here are several reminders related to Town services:

  • No Town staff (except the Police) will be working on Thursday or Friday. They will resume regular hours on Monday, Nov. 30
  • Monday trash pickup will not be affected by the holiday
  • The Montreat Minute will not be published next week. It will return on Dec. 4.

Other Important Information

  • The Montreat Tree Board will be meeting virtually for its monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 24, at 9:30am. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting will be closed to the public but the meeting will be available via Zoom. Check the Montreat Website for log in instructions.
  • The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Tuesday, December 1, at 10:30am. Again, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting will be closed to the public but the meeting will be available via Zoom. Check the Montreat Website for log in instructions.
  • The Montreat Landcare Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, December 2, at 9:00am. The public is invited to stream via Zoom. Check the Montreat Website for log in instructions.


Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Stay well, have a great weekend and a safe Thanksgiving holiday.