Montreat Minute 08/07/2020
Last Week for Cottager Directory/Wearables Sales at Post Office
The Committee and volunteers will sell directories for the final week from 9:30 – noon on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 12-14 at the Montreat Post Office. This will be the last week of direct sales. Directories are $25.00 a copy. A check made payable to Montreat Cottagers’ Inc. or exact change will be appreciated. Sorry, no credit cards. Social distancing, wearing masks, using hand sanitizer and other precautions will be employed as prescribed by the governor. Follow the signs.
If you are unable to order in person, send an order along with $5.00 per copy for shipping, to:
Montreat Cottagers’, Inc
PO Box 111
Montreat, NC 28757
ATTN: Directory Committee
Include the number of copies you would like; whether or not you will be able to pick-up your order in person or need to have it shipped; and a check in the exact amount. If your order is to be shipped, please include your address and phone number.
Also Extended: the committee will continue accepting pre-orders only for tee-shirts, sweatshirts and aprons! Tee-shirts are available in short sleeve ($25.00) and long sleeve ($30.00) styles; sweatshirts are $40.00; and aprons are $30.00. Colors are limited due to availability of our supplier. Shipping is available for an additional cost. Stop by the PO to take a look at our samples and place your order!
Many thanks to the Directory team for their hard work. The team includes Beth Barker, Meredith Greene, Laurie Morgan, Grace Nichols and Ann Vinson. Well done!
A Word on Our Water
Every summer and other popular seasons when the Town population increases, water demand increases as well. With the increase comes a unique aspect to our water: air bubbles, which create initial “milkiness” to the water. An explanation follows, but first a quick primer on how the water system works. Our water comes from 11 wells situated throughout the Town, from down by the gate all the way up to the extra territorial jurisdiction off Greybeard Trail. Water is treated from each well then distributed either directly to homes and other dwellings/buildings or pumped into storage tanks located on Appalachian Way and Harmony Lane. The tanks provide water when demand increases. So, when populations increase in the summer and other popular seasons, significantly more water is drawn through the system. Pumps work overtime, with air getting in the water caused by the pumping action. Because demand is great, the bubbles do not have an opportunity to dissipate, and they end up in your water glass. Within seconds they disappear, but not without first causing a bit of consternation.
Please know this: Montreat water is of high quality and is tested monthly by an independent laboratory, with results reported to the State and Montreat governments. What happens with the air bubbles is simply unique to our situation and has no effect upon water quality. If you would like to review the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, please CLICK HERE.
Montreat College Start Up
After the spring and summer hiatus from on-campus activities, Montreat College will begin the fall semester with students on campus. Montreat joins five other WNC residential colleges this fall in providing on-campus education, including Warren Wilson, Brevard College, Mars Hill, UNCA and Western Carolina University. The college has worked diligently through the summer working out details and complicated logistics to ensure a pandemic-safe environment while still providing a high quality education experience. Key start-up dates include:
Student athletes return August 11
New students arrive August 14
Returning students arrive August 16-17
First day of classes August 18
College officials are anticipating very good enrollment numbers.
Town Council Meeting Next Thursday
The Town Council will hold its regularly scheduled August meeting on Thursday, August 13, at 7:00pm. Unfortunately, COVID-19 rules are still in place meaning the meeting will be closed to the public. There will be no Public Forum prior to the meeting. However, submit your questions and comments to [email protected] by noon on Tuesday, August 11. The meeting may be live streamed via Zoom. CLICK HERE for participation instructions. It will be limited to the first 100 participants. For a copy of the Agenda, CLICK HERE.
Special Photo Gallery
Several striking photographs have been sent in, which we would like to share.
The first is a photograph taken by Jameson Filston, 22 year old son of Rev. Tim and Beth Filston of Thomasville, Georgia. The Filstons are regular visitors to Montreat. Jameson captured the photo of the comet “Neowise” from Lookout Mountain on the evening of July 23. Note the lights of Montreat below the clouds.
The second photograph was taken by a Sineath Construction photographer, our Town Hall contractor. The early evening photo shows the creek side view of the new Town Hall, with Little and Big Piney in the background.
Many thanks to the excellent photographers for sharing their work with us.
Other Important Information
- The Planning & Zoning Commission will be meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. virtually via Zoom in its continuing effort to review Town ordinances. CLICK HERE for instructions to join the meeting. The Agenda is available by CLICKING HERE.
- A reminder that COVID-19 restrictions are still in effect here in Montreat. Staff and Town Council urge residents and guests to social distance and wear masks when in public places or when social distancing is not possible.
- The Town Hall remains closed to the public. Staff are working in the building and may be reached by calling 828-669-8002. Green and blue Town trash bags are available by calling before picking up at the Town Hall. Water bills may be paid by dropping payment in the drive-by payment box adjacent to the new Town Hall driveway by the pocket park.
- Dog owners: please remember that Town Ordinances require dogs to be on leashes when walking. Also, please remember to bring bags to clean up waste when walking.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay well and stay safe.