Montreat Minute 06/05/2020

COVID-19 Update

Given the expected increase in visitors and activity here, the Montreat Town Commissioners have prepared a letter for all residents, full and part-time. The letter outlines pertinent information for residents and guests about COVID-19 regulations in place at Montreat. Signs have been posted at the gate informing everyone that COVID-19 regulations are in force at Montreat. Please share this information with your family and guests. CLICK HERE for a copy of the letter.
A Special Day!

Brian Sineath hands over the keys to Mayor Helms
This morning marked a very special moment for Montreat. Brian Sineath, owner of Sineath Construction and the Town Hall contractor, handed over the keys for the new Town Hall to Mayor Tim Helms! Although the exterior will not be complete for several weeks due to supply shortages, the interior is complete and ready for the Town to take over.

Groundbreaking June 11, 2019
Of particular significance is that construction was completed in less that one year from groundbreaking. On June 11, 2019, the Town Council broke ground, hopeful that the July 2020 completion date would be met. It appears we will be completed one month sooner than expected.
Plans for the new Town Hall dedication and open house are still in process due to COVID-19 limitations. But we will keep you informed as plans are finalized. We are excited at the end product and believe you will be too.
Town Council Meeting Next Thursday
The Town Council will hold its regularly scheduled June meeting on Thursday, June 10, at 7:00pm. Unfortunately, COVID-19 rules are still in place meaning the meeting will be closed to the public. There will be no Public Forum prior to the meeting. However, submit your questions and comments to [email protected] by 4:00pm on Wednesday, June 9. The meeting may be live streamed via Zoom by CLICKING HERE. It will be limited to the first 100 participants. For a copy of the Agenda, CLICK HERE.
Other Important Information
- The Planning & Zoning Commission will be meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. virtually via Zoom in its continuing effort to review Town ordinances. CLICK HERE for instructions to join the meeting. Agenda items include definitions, signage and parking ordinances. They will move into drainage and steep slope ordinances next.
- Montreat Building Inspector Dan Cordell reports that some Montreat residents have submitted building permit applications to the Town of Black Mountain instead of to Montreat. Any business related to building services in Montreat should be directed to Town staff by calling 828/669-8002 x301 or emailing [email protected].
- Due to the cancellation of June conferences and the expected decrease in rentals and other programming, we will try to get by with one day per week sanitation pick up and eliminate the Friday pickup, saving contract labor costs of approximately $2,500. If it appears that we need to go back to two days per week, we will make it happen. Pick up will remain on Mondays as usual.
- Speaking of trash, please tie your trash bags before putting them out for pickup. This simple task saves sanitation staff much time in their collection efforts. Thank you for helping them.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a safe weekend and stay well.