Montreat Minute 5/01/2020
COVID-19 Update
Here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community:
- This morning, Buncombe County eased its ‘stay home’ restrictions to coincide with the governor’s order. Additionally, the county will likely follow the state’s directives on any future orders. The immediate impact is that groups of up to 10 people can gather together as long as social distancing guidelines are followed. The governor has outlined a phased approach to lifting restrictions, but the state must meet specific indicators before restrictions will be lifted.
- Town business activities continue, but in somewhat altered fashion. Administrative staff continue to work from home and the town offices are closed to the public. However, building permits and inspections have not been affected and continue with safe distancing precautions. For details, call 828-669-8002 or email
- Please consider donating to the One Buncombe Fund to assist Buncombe County businesses and individuals affected by the economic crisis. To learn more about the Fund and to make a gift, CLICK HERE.
Project Updates
We were reminded that we have not given you project updates on the Town Hall or the Public Works building in several weeks, so here goes. Fortunately, construction is considered an essential business and the pandemic has not affected progress on either structure.
Town Hall
- We are excited about progress of the Town Hall, both inside and out. This week we saw much exterior progress. Grading around the building was completed, making ready for forming and pouring sidewalks around the building.
- Landscaping was started with the planting of holly trees on the southwest property line, hauling in of top soil and the staging of other materials primarily for the pocket park. The stone base for the Town Hall sign was constructed and the sign is in production.
- On the inside, vinyl and hardwood flooring was laid in all areas except the multi-purpose room and the conference room, which will be carpeted. Door hardware was installed. Final painting will occur in the next several weeks.
- But perhaps the most “fun” happening was honoring the stone masons on Monday. The Town Council personally bought lunch for the crew, the Mayor thanked them for their skilled work, and approximately 20 vehicles (and one pair of feet) did a ‘drive by’/’walk by’ honking and waving signs to thank them for their efforts. The crew was quite honored and expressed their appreciation.
- For those who have not seen the progress lately, here’s a small gallery of photos:
The Montreat Road side of the building. The gabled portion with the large window wall and stone is the multipurpose room. A sidewalk will run in front of the building with an entrance on the front porch.
A closer view of the Montreat Road side and the stonework of the multipurpose room.
The east end of the building, facing the gate. Note the craftsmanship of the stone and the other architectural detail, borrowed from other Montreat buildings.
The creek side entrance, which will serve as the main entrance. The roadway in front will be one way coming off Rainbow Terrace, leading to the parking lot on the west side of the building. The wheelchair ramp can be seen on the left side of the photo.
The Mayor thanking the stone crew for their excellent work and the crew.
Public Works Building
- After several years of planning and prepping the site, the Public Works building is making great progress. The sides of the metal building were completed last week. The roof is nearly complete. Insulation on all interior wall and ceiling surfaces is being installed as the walls/ceiling goes up.
- There will be three work bays to store and work on equipment. On the far end of the building will be Barry Creasman’s (Dir. of Public Works) office, a breakroom, and bathroom and shower facilities. A loft will be built over that end of the building for storage and several bunks for situations when staff are working extended shifts.
The metal building is approximately 50’x 80’ and is located on the former site where wood chips were collected and stored on the other side of Flat Creek opposite the gate.
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.