Submit your Masterpieces!

Have You Drawn Your Chalk Masterpiece?
Last Wednesday we announced the Mayor’s Chalk Art Challenge. We are encouraging everyone to use their “Stay Home” time to create a chalk art masterpiece, take a photo of it, and enter it into our contest. Montreaters will also be the judges by voting. Read about voting below.
With the rain behind us and sunny skies predicted for the next few days, it’s perfect weather to create your art. On April 18, the chalk art with the most “Likes” on the Town Facebook page will win a prize and have their artwork published in the Montreat Minute.
Here are the general guidelines:
- For Montreaters only
- Use only colored chalk- no other art medium
- Picture can be chalked on any surface on your property or on someone else’s property if you have their permission. Types of “canvases” you can use include walls, floors, driveways, sidewalk, steppingstones and other similar surfaces.
- Take a photo of your art and submit your picture via email to [email protected] with the subject line “Chalk art” and we will post it to the Town’s Facebook page.
- Only 1 submission per person allowed
- Picture with the most “likes” wins and will receive a special prize!
- Contest
is currently open and closes on Saturday, April 18, 2020
To vote on your favorite, go to the Town Facebook page (, scroll through the entries and “like” your favorite.