Special Montreat Minute 4/8/2020

Join the Mayor’s Chalk Art Challenge!
We are three weeks into the Stay At Home order. It’s good that we are doing so to manage the COVID 19 spread. But, we suspect you are getting tired of Netflix , jigsaw puzzles, playing Sudoku, cleaning closets, watching old ACC Championship games and spending money on Amazon.
Break that boredom!
Therefore, we are inviting everyone to get outside and use your creative skills with Mayor Helms’ Chalk Art Contest . All you have to do is create a chalk art masterpiece, take a picture of it, and send it to the Town. We will post it to the Montreat Town Facebook page. Then, everyone is invited to vote on your favorite by “Liking” it on the Facebook page. You don’t have to submit chalk art to vote. On April 18, the chalk art with the most “Likes” will win a prize and have their artwork published in the Montreat Minute.
Here are the general guidelines:
• For Montreaters only
• Use only colored chalk no other art medium
• Picture can be chalked on any surface on your property or on someone else’s property if you have their permission. Types of “canvases ” you can use include walls , floors, driveways, sidewalk, steppingstones and other similar surfaces.
• Take a photo of your art and submit your picture via email to
[email protected] with the subject line “Chalk art” and we will post it to the Town’s Facebook page
• Only 1 submission per person allowed
• Picture with the most “likes” wins and will receive a special prize!
• Contest is currently open and closes on Saturday, April 18, 2020.
To vote on your favorite, go to the Town Facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/TownofMontreat ), scroll through the entries and “like” your favorite!
Have fun and show everyone your artistic talent!