Montreat Minute 04/03/2020

COVID-19 Update
Once again, here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community:
- Most Town staff continue to work from home. Call 828-669-8002 or email for questions or comments.
- A water bill dropbox has been installed at the Town Services Offices for payment of water bills. It is to the right of the office door.
- Leaf and brush pickup has been suspended. We will let you know when the next pickup is scheduled. Trash service will continue as normal with Monday pickups.
- With the impact of COVID-19, so many people are out of work and businesses have been shut down. If your income hasn’t been affected, consider donating to the One Buncombe Fund. The fund will assist Buncombe County businesses and individuals affected by the economic crisis. To learn more about the Fund and to make a gift, CLICK HERE.
- What’s Happening Around Town
We’re thankful that work continues on several key projects within our Town:
- Town Hall— If you have been by the site recently, you’ve no doubt noticed the exterior stone work being installed by the masons. The field stone that is currently being laid will be topped with river rock, similar to the look of the West Bank building. Inside, detail work continues, with the lobby stone floor and stone accent wall having been completed this week.

- Public Works Building— Excellent progress was made this week erecting the structural steel.

- Greybeard Trail– This will be the final update report on Greybeard Trail reconstruction because the project is complete! Final paving was completed last Friday evening and all Detour signs have been taken down. Town staff will be installing the guard rail in the near future. We’re delighted the contractor completed the project in the 90 days that was promised. Again, many thanks to everyone who endured the construction and detour.
Upcoming Meetings
- All Board, Commission and Committee meetings have been canceled until further notice.
Burning Questions?
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend and stay well!