Montreat Minute 03/27/2020

Montreat Minute for March 27, 2020
COVID-19 Update
Once again, here are several COVID-19 updates pertinent to the Montreat community:
- Town administrative staff continue to work from home. Call 828-669-8002 or email for questions or comments.
- A water bill dropbox has been installed at the Town Services Offices for payment of water bills. It is to the right of the office door.
- MRA has closed all trails and public bathrooms.
- Leaf and brush pickup has been suspended. We will let you know when the next pickup is scheduled. Trash service will continue as normal with Monday pickups.
Greybeard Trail is Paved!
Thanks to good weather and the contractor staying open during the virus outbreak, Greybeard Trail is being paved today, making the project nearly complete. Guardrails will be installed, which will mark completion of the project. Again, many thanks to everyone who was affected by its closure and your patience in seeing this project to completion.
Other Project Updates
Despite many business shutdowns due to the Coronavirus, our commercial contractors continue to make progress on Montreat projects:
- Town Hall—Inside, the stone floor in the main lobby is nearing completion. It looks beautiful and emulates the work done decades ago in other landmark Montreat buildings like Anderson Auditorium, Gaither Hall and Assembly Inn. Other trades, such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters and cabinet makers are working consistently to complete their portion of the project. Outside, the driveway and parking lot has been paved. Duke Power is working on connecting the building to primary power.
- Public Works Building—As mentioned last week, the pad for the building was poured last Thursday. Since then, forms have been removed and the foundation has been backfilled. Erection of the metal building will begin next week.
Upcoming Meetings
- All Board, Commission and Committee meetings have been canceled until further notice.
Burning Questions?
Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend and stay well!