Montreat Minute, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine’s Day

From all of us on the Town staff and Board of Commissioners, we wish you a happy Valentine’s day and hope you receive your favorite candy today!

Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting

Greetings, friends.

I hope you are appreciating our quirky mountain weather. If we don’t like it, all we need to do is wait a bit.

We were grateful to the dozen or so people who came out for the meeting. Here’s a summary of the discussions. As you know, a full overview will be in the official meeting minutes in March’s agenda packet.

  • Public Forum questions/comments included:
    • Emory Underwood appealed to the Board that as we begin the long term planning process, that we seriously consider the balance of growth in the higher areas of Montreat with the need for effective stormwater controls. He commented that there will most likely be development, but we have to make sure runoff is dealt with effectively. As he commented, “Whatever we do up high, we need to be careful of what happens at the bottom.”

CLICK HERE to read more of the meeting summary

Project Updates

Here are updates regarding ongoing projects:

Greybeard Trail

With 2.01” of rain this week, the contractor was slowed down. The rain doesn’t directly impact the work, as installation can occur during wet weather. However, Flat Creek rose significantly, preventing work to happen on the upper half of the project. A portion of the existing boulder wall has been removed on the upper portion, and the bank is being prepped for excavation. We were pleased to see the use of engineering fabric covering the bank to protect it from the rain and prevent erosion and creek infiltration during construction.

By the way, the boulders are being saved for use by Public Works and the Town Hall contractor, saving money from having to purchase rock and boulders for projects and landscaping.

Town Hall

Progress continued despite the rain, but it was happening inside. Doors have been hung and trim is being installed. The exciting part of the progress is the stone accent wall in the main lobby was started this week and looks wonderful- just like other Montreat buildings.

Texas Road Bridge

As you may have read in the Mayor’s meeting summary, the Town received phase one recommendations from the engineering firm to convert the Texas Road Bridge into a pedestrian bridge. To see the report, CLICK HERE and go to page 6. The Town Council and Bridge Aesthetics Committee will be reviewing the report and determining next steps.

Public Works Building

Public Works Director, Barry Creasman, reports that footers will be dug today for the new building and the cement pad will be poured next week. Of course, it goes without saying progress is dependent upon the weather.

Tree Board Meeting with Duke Power February 25

Last summer, there was discussion about the way Duke Power uses spray herbicides that kill vegetation and trees under power lines. We asked the Tree Board to meet with Duke to learn more and express our concerns about their practices. The Tree Board appointed Public Works employee, Daniel Wiggs, to be the liaison with Duke Power. Daniel set up this meeting between the power company and the Tree Board to discuss alternatives to the widescale clearing in the right of ways. The meeting will be Tuesday, February 25 at 9:30am. The location is the Allen Building in the Swannanoa Room. he public is invited and encouraged to attend.

Planning & Zoning Commission Update

As mentioned in the Mayor’s Council Meeting summary, Bill Scheu (P&Z Chair) gave an update on the progress of the P&Z Commission’s review of Town ordinances. Please note that the Commission will be reviewing sign and parking ordinances at the upcoming March 5th meeting, to be held at 10:30am in the Walkup Building. Citizens will have an opportunity to offer opinions on the topics.

Upcoming Meetings

  • Special Tree Board meeting to discuss the 2020 tree inventory: Tuesday, February 18, at 9:30pm in the Town Services Offices
  • Planning and Zoning Committee: Thursday, February 20, at 10:30am in the Walkup Building
  • Tree Board meeting to discuss Duke Power’s use of spraying under power lines: Tuesday, February 25, at 9:30. Allen Building, Swannanoa Room.

Burning Questions?

Do you have Town-related questions you would like answered? If so, please send them to Angela Murphy at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a great Valentine’s weekend.