Montreat Minute January 10, 2020

Mayor’s Meeting Summary of Last Night’s Town Council Meeting

Happy New Year, friends.

We appreciated the 20 people who came out for the first Town Council meeting of this new decade. There were some lively discussions, and here’s a summary. As you know, a full overview will be in the official meeting minutes in February’s agenda packet.

  • Public Forum questions/comments included:
    • Tom Frist stated that he was looking at Google Maps and noted the wrong street and city address for his home. He found a link to alert Google of address errors. He did so and, delightfully, checked Google Maps shortly afterward and found that his correction had been made. He encouraged other Montreaters to do the same.

CLICK HERE to read more of the meeting summary

Firewise Update

As many of you know, Montreat is working to become recognized as a Firewise Community. That means that our residents show interest in preventing fires and that we use our time to reduce fire potential.

Good News – On February 27, the N.C. Forest Service will come to Montreat to provide a formal Risk Assessment. This is a major step toward becoming a Firewise Community. The rangers will assess both public and private property and provide us with recommendations on steps we can take to reduce the risk of fire in our community. If you would be willing for rangers to walk the perimeter of your property, please let Nancy Midgette know.

Another component in achieving this status is reporting the hours that we all spend working in our yards to prune shrubbery and clear leaves. Those of us who volunteer with Montreat Beautification clean-up days can also report those hours. And we can report hours of those whom we hire to help us!!

If you did some yard work last Fall and have not yet reported it, please send Nancy Midgette an email ([email protected]). Name, address, and hours worked is all that’s needed! We will also have some nice days during the Winter, so please consider spending some time getting ready for Spring by removing those leaves and then report the hours!

New Request for Proposal

If you haven’t noticed, the Town recently posted a new Request for Proposal for a new financial software system. We are requesting proposals for municipal finance software including conversion and implementation services, ongoing training and technical support for the system. This will be a welcome and needed upgrade to our fiscal operations and monitoring. For further information on the RFP, CLICK HERE then go to IT Service Bids.

Upcoming Meetings

  • Montreat Planning and Zoning Committee, Thursday, January 16, at 10:30am in the Walkup Building

Have a great weekend.