Request for Proposals: Municipal Finance Software
RFP #2020-001
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 31, 2020 at 5:00 pm
The Town of Montreat is requesting proposals for municipal finance software including conversion and implementation services, ongoing training and technical support for the system.
There is no expressed or implied obligation for the Town of Montreat to reimburse an organization for any expenses incurred in preparing responses to this request for proposals (RFP).
The Montreat is organized into ten departments including: Governing Body; Administration; Building and Zoning; Environment and Recreation; Police; Public Works; Public Buildings; Streets; Powell Bill; Sanitation.
The Finance Office manages all of the accounting functions for the Town. The Finance Officer oversees the collection, deposit, and investment of all Town funds. The Finance Officer is also responsible for managing the Town’s annual audit process and the other accounting functions for the Town. In addition, this office also collects water and sewer billing, assists other departments with purchasing, manages payroll, provides budgetary analysis to the Town Administrator, and prepares multiple monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports.
The software package should include the following:
- General Ledger – Multiple Funds, Customizable Account Structure, Project Funds
- Budget
- Accounts Payable – Checks and ACH – Scanning Invoices
- Purchase Orders
- Pre-Audit Certificates
- Accounts Receivable- including cc payment option where the system automatically posts from cc processing to the General Ledger
- Utility Billing
- Payroll – Direct deposit and accrual balances
- Fixed Assets
- Building Permits
- Bank Reconciliation
- Grant and Project Accounting
- Report Writer – Ability to produce GASB statements
- Monthly, Quarterly, and Year-end Processes
- Data export to Excel, or CSV files
- Data import
- Training
- System Security, Backup, and Recovery
- Phone Support
- Maintenance
- Implementation Assistance
Desired functionality includes:
- Fully integrated and automated accounting modules
- Real time information
- Windows technology
- PDF backups (scan)
- Customized reporting capabilities
- Online screen inquiries
- Drill down capabilities for transaction details – Vendor, invoice, check number, general ledger number
- Unlimited account capabilities
- Audit trail history
- E-billing (utility billing)
- Budget maintains original and revised totals
- System supports the Modified Accrual Basis accounting methods
- Journal Entries – Copy, delete, reverse capabilities and reoccuring
- Vendor Maintenance tracks W-9 requirements
- System prepares 1099s, W2s, ACA, 941 Quarterly Reports and submits electronically (Payroll)
- Budget verification prior to accepting transaction posting
- Duplicate payment verification warnings
- CAFR coding for GL accounts
- Fringe and Indirect distribution to multiple accounts capability
- Automatic tax table updates
- Billing invoices can be set as recurring transactions
- GIS interface (Building permits)
- Payroll module can schedule accruals and special payments based on specific pay cycles
- Standardized Reports to include:
- Trial Balance
- Balance Sheet
- Open Encumbrances
- Account Transactions by fund, department, or general ledger number
- Revenue and Expense detail by account
- Revenue and Expense summary
- Cash Flow Statements
- Accounts Payable
- Vendor Detail
- Budgeted accounts report
- AFIR analysis report
System data and reports need to meet all North Carolina Local Government Commission, North Carolina and Federal reporting and audit requirements.
General Statute 159-26 requires that each county and city maintain an accounting system, which must do the following:
- 159-26. Accounting system.
(a) System Required. – Each local government or public authority shall establish and maintain an accounting system designed to show in detail its assets, liabilities, equities, revenues, and expenditures. The system shall also be designed to show appropriations and estimated revenues as established in the budget ordinance and each project ordinance as originally adopted and subsequently amended.
(b) Funds Required. – Each local government or public authority shall establish and maintain in its accounting system such of the following funds and ledgers as are applicable to it. The generic meaning of each type of fund or ledger listed below is that fixed by generally accepted accounting principles.
(1) General fund.
(2) Special Revenue Funds. – One or more separate funds shall be established for each of the following classes: (i) functions or activities financed in whole or in part by property taxes voted by the people, (ii) service districts established pursuant to the Municipal or County Service District Acts, and (iii) grant project ordinances. If more than one function is accounted for in a voted tax fund, or more than one district in a service district fund, or more
than one grant project in a project fund, separate accounts shall be established in the appropriate fund for each function, district, or project.
(3) Debt service funds.
(4) A Fund for Each Utility or Enterprise Owned or Operated by the Unit or Public Authority. – If a water system and a sanitary sewerage system are operated as a consolidated system, one fund may be established and maintained for the consolidated system.
(5) Internal service funds.
(6) Capital Project Funds. – Such a fund shall be established to account for the proceeds of each bond order or order authorizing any debt instrument and for all other resources used for the capital projects financed by the bond or debt instrument proceeds. A unit or public authority may account for two or more bond orders or orders authorizing any debt instrument in one capital projects fund, but the proceeds of each such order and the other revenues associated with that order shall be separately accounted for in the fund.
(7) Trust and agency funds, including a fund for each special district, public authority, or school administrative unit whose taxes or special assessments are collected by the unit.
(8) A ledger or group of accounts in which to record the details relating to the general fixed assets of the unit or public authority.
(9) A ledger or group of accounts in which to record the details relating to the general obligation bonds and notes and other long-term obligations of the unit.
In addition, each unit or public authority shall establish and maintain any other funds required by other statutes or by State or federal regulations.
(c) Basis of Accounting. – Except as otherwise provided by regulation of the Commission, local governments and public authorities shall use the modified accrual basis of accounting in recording transactions.
(d) Encumbrance Systems. – Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, no local government or public authority is required to record or show encumbrances in its accounting system. Each city or town with a population over 10,000 and each county with a population over 50,000 shall maintain an accounting system that records and shows the encumbrances outstanding against each category of expenditure appropriated in its budget
ordinance. Any other local government or any public authority may record and show encumbrances in its accounting system. In determining a unit’s population, the most recent federal decennial census shall be used.
(e) Commission Regulations. – The Commission may prescribe rules and regulations having the force of law as to:
(1) Features of accounting systems to be maintained by local governments and
public authorities.
(2) Bases of accounting, including identifying in detail the characteristics of a modified accrual basis, identifying what revenues are susceptible to accrual, and permitting or requiring use of a basis other than modified accrual in a fund that does not account for the receipt of a tax.
(3) Definitions of terms not clearly defined in this Article.
The Commission may vary these rules and regulations according to any other criteria reasonably related to the purpose or complexity of the financial operations involved. (1971, c. 780, s. 1; 1975, c. 514, ss. 11, 16; 1979, c. 402, s. 6; 1981, c. 685, ss. 6, 7; 1987, c. 796, s. 3(6).)
Maximum Time Allowed
All aspects of the project will be completed no later than June 31st, 2020.
Questions and Clarifications; Addenda
Questions and requests for clarification regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing. To be considered, all questions and requests must be received by 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, on 01/24/2020. The Town reserves the right to revise this RFP at any time before the due date. Such revisions, if any, will be announced by addenda to this RFP. The Town of Montreat will answer questions and requests for clarification and post the answers to the Town’s website:
Conflicts of Interest
The Submitter’s attention is directed to N.C.G.S. 14-234, which prohibits public officers or employees from benefitting from public contracts. In addition, The Town of Montreat has a policy regarding Conflicts of Interest. A copy of this policy is available upon request. The Submitter is prohibited from receiving any advice or discussing any aspect relating to the Project or the procurement of the Project with any person or entity with a conflict of interest.
The Submitter agrees that, if after award, a conflict of interest is discovered, the Submitter must make an immediate and full written disclosure to Town of Montreat that includes a description of the action that the Submitter has taken or proposes to take to avoid or mitigate such conflicts. If a conflict of interest is determined to exist, the Town may, at its discretion, cancel the contract for the Project. If the Submitter was aware of a conflict of interest prior to the award of the contract and did not disclose the conflict to the Town of Montreat, the Town may terminate the contract for default.
Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE)
It is the policy of the Town of Montreat that Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs), as defined in N.C.G.S. 143-128.2, and other small businesses shall have the maximum feasible opportunity to participate in contracts financed in whole or in part with public funds. Consistent with this policy, the Town of Montreat will not allow any person or business to be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against in connection with the award and performance of any contract because of sex, race, religion, or national origin.
E-Verify Employer Compliance
Contractors and their subcontractors with twenty-five (25) or more employees as defined in Article 2 of Chapter 65 of the NC General Statutes must comply with E-verify requirements to contact with governmental units. E-Verify is a Federal program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies, or any successor or equivalent program used to verify the work authorization of newly hired employees pursuant to federal law. Please understand that Contractors, as defined above, must use E-Verify. Therefore, all contractors must be in compliance with the E-Verify requirements to enter into contracts with the Town of Montreat. An E-Verify certification form is included in the vendor application packet and must be submitted for the submittal to be considered.
Iran Divestment Act Compliance
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 147-86.59, any person identified as engaging in investment activities in Iran, determined by appearing on the Final Divestment List created by the State Treasurer pursuant to G.S. 147-86.58, is ineligible to contract with the State of North Carolina or any political subdivision of the State.
Time Schedule for Submitting Request for Proposals
Request for Proposal packages will be received by Darlene Carrasquillo, Finance Director until January 31, 2020 at 5 p.m. Submittals may be received by email or physical mail, but must include a copy in pdf format. All envelopes, email subject lines, and/or fax coversheets should be clearly identified with the words “RESPONSE TO RFP FOR FINANCIAL SOFTWARE.”
Contact Information:
Darlene Carrasquillo
Finance Director
The Town of Montreat
PO Box 423
Montreat, NC 28757
Phone: 828-669-8002
Email: [email protected]
Download RFP by clicking here.
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