Montreat Minute for September 27, 2019

Town Receives Tree Award
We all know that the abundance and variety of trees we enjoy help make Montreat a special place. The North Carolina Urban Forest Council agrees! As mentioned in an earlier Montreat Minute, Montreat was selected as the recipient of the Tree City USA 2019 Award for the entire state of North Carolina by the Urban Forest Council. Tree Board Chairperson Ann Vinson and Landcare Committee Chairperson Martha Campbell, along with staff members Alex Carmichael and Barry Creasman, traveled to Winston-Salem yesterday to receive the award at the Urban Forest Council’s annual meeting. We are honored at being the best “tree city” in a state known for its abundance of trees and forests.
Board of Adjustment Grants Variance to Town
At last evening’s Board of Adjustment meeting, the Board granted a setback easement to the Town for construction of the new Public Works building. The metal building will be located behind the MRA maintenance building at the site of the old well #4. The variance allows the building to be built more effectively on an irregular sized lot. The Town will now submit a Building Permit application (to itself!) to begin construction of the 50’ x 80’ maintenance building. Besides vehicle and equipment storage, the building will also house Public Works staff. We are hoping for completion by the end of the calendar year.
Upcoming Meetings
- Montreat Landcare Committee, Wednesday, October 2, at 9:00am in the Swannanoa Room of the Allen Building
- Town Council meeting, Thursday, October 10, at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building; Public Forum precedes the Council meeting at 6:30. Public is encouraged to attend.
Have a question?
Do you have a question or topic you would like addressed in the Montreat Minute? If so, please email Angie Murphy at [email protected] with the subject line “Montreat Minute”. We’ll do our best to research and answer your questions.
Have a great weekend!