Montreat Minute May, 3, 2019
Native Plant Sale a Success!
Last Saturday’s Native Plant Sale was a success by all standards: the weather could not have been better, the turnout was great including many from outside Montreat, the plants were beautiful, the programs and exhibits interesting and the music superb. Many thanks to the Landcare Committee and Plant Sale Chairs Jean Norris and Brad Hestir for a wonderful event that helps showcase our beautiful Town. Next year’s Plant Sale: April 25.
Robert Lake Park Closed
Until Early June MRA has asked us to tell you about the Robert Lake Park (playground) closing. As you know, the park sustained major damage nearly a year ago from Tropical Storm Alberto. It’s taken this long for the Army Corps of Engineers to approve MRA’s reconstruction plans. As a result, the park will be closed from now until early June, just in time for conference season and all your young visitors. Other play options include Flat Creek along Elizabeth’s Path, Lake Tomahawk in BM (great for picnics too) and the primary and elementary schools in BM on weekends. It will be worth the short term inconvenience!
Water/Sewer Billing Cycle Changing
The Town is changing the water/sewer billing cycle to better align with other financial systems. Instead of meters being read on the first of each month, they will now be read on the 10th. Bills will be mailed on the 15th of each month and payments will be due the 28th of each month. If you pay your water/sewer bill by draft, you do not need to do anything. Angie will take care of it automatically. You will still have the same length of time to pay your bill. Also note that the May bill will be a little larger due to the 10 extra days in this one time only billing cycle. Call us if you have any questions: 828/669-8002. Thank you for your flexibility.
Road Paving
As mentioned last week, three roads are scheduled to be repaved next week: Texas Road, Calvin Trail and Frist Road, provided the weather cooperates! Watch the website ( for road closure information
Phase II Tree Inventory
The Phase II At-Risk Tree Inventory will take place the weeks of June 3 and June 10. There will be a mandatory volunteer training on Thursday, May 16th at 1:00 p.m. in the Town Services Office Building. Tree Board Webinar The Town of Montreat is presenting a webinar with the North Carolina Urban Forest Council on Wednesday, May 8th from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. If you are interested please visit the following link:
Town Council Meeting May 9
Just a quick reminder that the monthly Town Council meeting will be held next Thursday, May 9, at 7:00pm in the Walkup Building. The Public Forum will precede the meeting at 6:30. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend and participate. The agenda is available by CLICKING HERE. Have a great weekend!