Notice of Bid for Purchase of Real Property
The Montreat Board of Commissioners has proposed to accept a negotiated offer of $111,000 for the purchase of the following parcel of real property:
BEING all of that 0.398 acre parcel shown as Tract 2 on the plat entitled “Survey for Town of Montreat” prepared by High Country Surveyors, Inc., and recorded in Plat Book 186 at Page 161 in the Buncombe County, North Carolina Public Registry. Being Lot 389 and a portion of Lot 388 as shown on the plat recorded in Plat Book 16 at Page 97 and being a portion of the property acquired by the Town of Montreat by deed recorded in Book 5159 at Page 190, Buncombe County Registry.
The Town will now accept upset bid offers until 12:00 p.m. Monday, October 29, 2018, at the Town Services Building, 96 Rainbow Terrace, Black Mountain, N.C.
Upset offers must increase the bid by not less than 10% of the first $1,000 of the original bid, plus 5% of any amount above $1,000 of the original bid. Upset bids must be accompanied by a bid deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid.
Prospective bidders have ten full days from the date on which the notice is published to offer an upset bid. This procedure will be repeated until ten days have elapsed without the Town receiving a qualifying upset bid. After that time the board will sell the property to the final offeror.
A bid deposit may take the form of cash, a cashier’s check, a certified check, or a surety bond. The deposit of the bidder to whom the award is made will be held until sale of the property is closed; if that bidder refuses at any time to close the sale, the deposit will be forfeited to the Town. The deposits of other bidders will be returned at the time the Board of Commissioners awards the property to the highest responsible bidder.
In order for a bid to be considered, the bidder must be current on payment of all property taxes owed to the county.
Inquiries about the property and the sale may be made to the Town of Montreat, Town Administrator, Town Services Office, 96 Rainbow Terrace, Black Mountain, N.C.