This purchasing policy and procedures manual is intended for use as a guide to the Town of Montreat's procurement methods and practices. When used properly and with common sense, the policies and procedures established herein will enable the Town to obtain needed materials, equipment, supplies and services efficiently and economically.
The understanding and cooperation of all employees is essential if the Town is to obtain the maximum value for each tax and utility dollar spent. While this manual does not answer all questions related to purchasing, it does provide the foundation for a sound centralized procurement system.
The basic goals of the Town's procurement program are:
- To comply with the legal and ethical requirements of public purchasing and procurement.
- To assure vendors that impartial and equal treatment is afforded to all who wish to do business with the Town.
- To receive maximum value for each dollar spent by awarding purchase orders to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance, technical support, delivery schedule, past performance and other relevant factors.
- To provide Town departments the required goods, equipment, and services at the time and place needed and in the proper quantity and quality.
- To professionally administer the search for sources of supplies, the development of new sources, the selection of suppliers, negotiations, commitment, follow-up, and adjustments.
- To promote good and effective vendor relations, cultivated by informed and fair buying practices and strict maintenance of ethical standards.
- To effect maximum feasible standardization of products used within and among departments in order to minimize stock levels and obtain better prices.
If the procedures and guidelines established in this manual are followed, each department can efficiently manage, control and plan their available resources to meet present and future departmental needs and help the Town to meet these goals. Should you have any questions about this manual or our procedures, contact the Finance Officer at extension 2011.